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Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Ted Nugent on the thinking of deer
Ted Nugent, rock star and avid bow hunter from Michigan, was being
interviewed by a French journalist and animal rights activist. The
discussion came around to deer hunting.
The journalist asked, "What do you think is the last thought in the head of a deer before you shoot him? Is it, 'Are you my friend?' or is it, 'Are you the one who killed my brother?'"
Nugent replied, "Deer aren't capable of that kind of thinking. All they
care about is, 'What am I going to eat next, who am I going to screw next, and can I run fast enough to get away? They are very much like the French."
The interview ended at that point.
Ted Nugent, rock star and avid bow hunter from Michigan, was being
interviewed by a French journalist and animal rights activist. The
discussion came around to deer hunting.
The journalist asked, "What do you think is the last thought in the head of a deer before you shoot him? Is it, 'Are you my friend?' or is it, 'Are you the one who killed my brother?'"
Nugent replied, "Deer aren't capable of that kind of thinking. All they
care about is, 'What am I going to eat next, who am I going to screw next, and can I run fast enough to get away? They are very much like the French."
The interview ended at that point.
Hillary Uncensored
The producers, Robert Hahn and Scott Swett, operate Hillcap.org Hillary Clinton Accountability Project, the Web site that Paul set up in 2005 to feature court documents, videos and news articles related to his lawsuit. The video trailer "Hillary Uncensored," and the schedule for the movie are prominently displayed on the site. [READ MORE]
See the Video
See the Video
- Report- Flag-Folding Ceremony Banned at Calif. Cemeteries
- U.S. Monthly Iraq Death Toll Could Be Lowest in 2 Years
- U.S.- Experts To Start De-Nuking N. Korea
- Young Bomber Strikes Within a Mile of Musharraf
- Turkish Helicopters Attack Kurd Rebels
- Powerhouse' Mishkin May Provide Clues to Bernanke Plans on Interest Rates
- Target Short Interest Signals Shopping Slump Tied to Declining Home Values
- Hillary backed lab of donor
- A Mixed Message in Argentina's Vote
- Syria and Iran pledge help to defuse Turkey-Iraq crisis
- Wall St.'s Expanding Universe
- As Debate Nears, Rivals Are Directing Their Aim at Clinton
- Apple Posts Fix For Leopard 'Blue Screen Of Death'
- Apple limits iPhone purchases
- Hacker Software Can Install Unauthorized Software on iPhones
- T-Mobile Wants You To Jump At Its Shadow
- FDA OKs Novartis Cancer Drug
- X Prize Cup rocket competition flames out
- FDA- Heart Drug May Boost Risk of Death
- Castro likens Bush to 19th century imperialist monarch
- My Life by Fidel Castro with Ignacio Ramonet
- Florida passes $12 billion property tax cut plan
- Tax break failing to save Old Florida Banks won't go along with ...
- Florida needs solution
- Is the economy veering toward recession-
- OIL NEARS $94...
- Gold price closes in on $800...
- Giuliani- Dems Will Change Minds on Iraq...
- Honduras finds radioactive material in Hong Kong-bound shipping container...
- STUDY- AIDS virus invaded USA from Haiti in 1969; most likely by a single infected immigrant...
- Forecasters Blow It, Again- '07 Hurricane season may rank as most 'inactive' in 30 years...
Monday, October 29, 2007
- US hands over Karbala to Iraqis
- Azerbaijan says terror plot foiled
- First lady claims victory in Argentina
- Autism testing urged for toddlers
- Net Neutrality becomes issue in presidential race
- Photos- X Prize rocket rally in New Mexico
- ELECTRIC CARS- Plan to deploy infrastructure of battery-charging stations in United States, Europe...
- Who comes up with tech marketing breakthroughs-
- Chertoff- Fake FEMA briefing 'inappropriate'
- Cow-killing meteorite sells for $1,554
- Supreme Court to Review $2.5B Owed by Exxon Mobil Corp.
- Giuliani Blasts Clinton...
- Edwards- 'College for Everyone'...
- GREEN FUNERALS- Putting aside embalming and tombs...
- Dubai Strike Threatens Building Boom...
Thursday, October 25, 2007
- OIL $91
- But... New Home Sales Rebound in September
- Buffett sees subprime market problems lasting two years...
- Poll- One-third believe in ghosts, UFOs
- US imposes sweeping Iran sanctions
- USA bypasses UN with Iran sanctions...
- US details Iran's 'lethal support' to Taliban
- Syria Moves Quickly to Clear Alleged Site of Israeli Attack...
- View photos before and after
- FBI warns of shoe bomber danger [again]...
- VIDEO: Bill Clinton Takes On 9/11 Conspiracy Protesters: 'How Dare You'...
- Yahoo opening up home page to outside sources
- Vonage, Verizon settle patent spat for up to $120 million
- Audiences reject Iraq war at the boxoffice...
- WIRE- Clinton Could Lose Nomination... If...
- Buchanan- A Giuliani victory means right retains power but loses its soul...
- al-Qaida Anger at JAZEERA over Laden Tape...
- USA, Russia at impasse on missile defense...
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
- Americans Turn Negative on Economy, Expect Recession, Poll Says
- Economy on cruise control - for now
- Letter- Florida will be lost if property tax changes aren't made
- Poll- Support for property tax amendment falling short
- The Santa Ana winds explained
- Bush Challenges Nations to Help Bring Democracy to Cuba
- Bush pitches 'freedom fund' for Cuba
- Hillary Dishes On Marriage, Romance
- Voters favor Democratic ideas to mend healthcare
- Cuba defiant after Bush's speech
- Bush calls Castro government a "dying order"
- Castro Cows ABC
- Governor Richardson responds to Bush on Cuba
- Thousands march over Chavez reforms
- White House Requests Bunker-Buster Bombs -- Is Iran Attack Next-
- A380 makes first passenger flight
- Next at space station- Mission Most Complex
- Chinese rocket blasts off to moon
- China launches its first lunar orbiter
- China flexes muscle in space race with launch of lunar explorer
- Buy a house, get the electric car thrown in
- FCC May Mandate Forwarding of E-Mails
- New eBay site lets people finance the world's poor
- MySpace Launches Its First Online TV Series
- SanDisk starts free video service
- iLike iPhone Applications
- BlackBerry comes to China
- China's economy grows 11pc in 9 months
- Life Stages- A Guide to the Rest of Your Life
- What's in Your Emergency Kit-
- Tips for Filing Fire Insurance Claims
- Best Lies for Taking a Sick Day
- At Fast-Food Joints, Try the Secret Menu
- Avoid Tickets After Your Car is Sold
- PICS- View From Above -- Scorched State
- Wildfires Visible From Space
- Blair- America 'Ready for Woman Prez'
- Mortgage Giant to Refinance $16B in Loans
- Dumpster Dive Masterpiece May Fetch $1M
- More Choosing Double Breast Removal
- Hillary on Bill- 'Oh, He's So Romantic'
- Romney's Osama-Obama Gaffe
- THE NOTE- Is Iran the Next Iraq-
- Thompson Debuts Immigration Plan
- Carbon Dioxide in Atmosphere Increasing
- 'I Was a Hacker for the MPAA'
- Countrywide- The Good, The Bad, Or The Ugly-
- Turkey's War Drums Grow Louder
- Nuclear split emerges in Iran
- MRSA Q&A with Dr. Tooker
- Can a Lack of Sleep Cause Psychiatric Disorders-
- Broccoli Extract Helps Prevent Skin Cancer
- Whole Grains May Cut Heart Failure Risk
- FDA scrutinizes cold drug ingredients
- Viewpoint- Specifics, not slogans, are what China needs
- Bin Laden lambastes Iraqi insurgents
- Mobile Is Key to Microsoft Strategy, Ballmer Says
- NBC yanks its own video content from Youtube
- Dell Launches XPS 420 Multimedia PC To Take On HP, Apple
- NASA Airplane Safety Report Stalled
- Western Digital My DVR Extender (Source- Western Digital)
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Pope John Paul II Shows up in Bonfire

Monday, October 22, 2007
- Loan default problems widen; Include cars loans and credit cards...
- Fed Official- Bank Will Protect Economy...
- IMF chief warns dollar may suffer 'abrupt fall'...
- Nobel Laureate Says Sept. 11 Attacks Not So Bad...
- Venezuela's Chavez slams Church leaders as immoral...
- Violence in Iraq drops sharply- Ministry...
- Khatami attacks Ahmadinejad on
ecomomy... - Advanced missiles from Iran have already been fired at U.S. helicopters in Iraq...
- Iran targets couples in continued moral crackdown...
- China to Launch Lunar Probe This Week
- Purported bin Laden tape aired
- Cuba elections could settle question of Castro's return
- Elections in Cuba Massive, Positive
- After voting, Raúl chats with neighbors
- Cuba- President Bush has no moral authority
- US Cellular completes tower in Cuba
- Viva la revolution
- 40 Years On- Che Guevara
- Book review- Castro's yanqui
- McCain Talks War, Everglades, Castro
- Parade Asks Dumb Question- 'Hugo Chávez – Friend or Foe-'
- Colombian Official Says Relations with Cuba Based on Respect
- NSA cooperation- OK for e-mail, IM companies-
- Does Microsoft have an iPhone answer-
- Florida: Basing property taxes on purchase price inherently unfair
- Gas rises 60 cents from a year ago
- Dollar sinks to another euro low
- New Study- Gas Tax Varies Greatly Among the States, No Longer the Road-Building Fee It Once Was
- China unveils likely new leaders
- With launch of TakeTV and Fanfare, SanDisk aims to bridge the gap between PC video and TV
- More than 100 times faster than
WiFi- - Wireless speakers- Sound at last-
- Bloggers should be allowed to join the journalist party
- Report- Plot to kill Israeli PM foiled
- Justice Thomas Mocks Value of Yale Law Degree
- Veteran Air Traffic Controllers Retire Faster Than Expected
Sunday, October 21, 2007
The 10 Highest and Lowest Gas Tax States (total tax per gallon)
The 10 Highest and Lowest Gas Tax States (total tax per gallon)
Source: The Tax Foundation
Top 10:
1. California (62.8 cents)
2. Connecticut (62.3 cents)
3. New York (59.3 cents)
4. Illinois (59.0 cents)
5. Michigan (54.6 cents)
6. Washington (54.4 cents)
7. Wisconsin (51.3 cents)
8. Florida (51.0 cents)
9. Hawaii (51.0 cents)
10. Nevada (50.9 cents)
Bottom 10:
41. Arizona (37.4 cents)
42. Mississippi (37.2 cents)
43. Kentucky (36.9 cents)
44. New Mexico (36.4 cents)
45. Missouri (36.0 cents)
46. Oklahoma (35.4 cents)
47. South Carolina (35.2 cents)
48. New Jersey (32.9 cents)
49. Wyoming (32.4 cents)
50. Alaska (26.4 cents)
Source: The Tax Foundation
Top 10:
1. California (62.8 cents)
2. Connecticut (62.3 cents)
3. New York (59.3 cents)
4. Illinois (59.0 cents)
5. Michigan (54.6 cents)
6. Washington (54.4 cents)
7. Wisconsin (51.3 cents)
8. Florida (51.0 cents)
9. Hawaii (51.0 cents)
10. Nevada (50.9 cents)
Bottom 10:
41. Arizona (37.4 cents)
42. Mississippi (37.2 cents)
43. Kentucky (36.9 cents)
44. New Mexico (36.4 cents)
45. Missouri (36.0 cents)
46. Oklahoma (35.4 cents)
47. South Carolina (35.2 cents)
48. New Jersey (32.9 cents)
49. Wyoming (32.4 cents)
50. Alaska (26.4 cents)
- Archaeologists may have found site of 'invisible community'
- Foreclosure Auction Sells Off Hundreds Of Homes
- How kindness of a man convinced his neighbor to take down noose
- Man builds $30,000 Boeing 747 Flight simulator in his bedroom
- Report- Florida employee confidence slips
- A family feud so big it will reshape Florida
- Tax debate moves in and out of sunshine
- Student packs a pen full of gunpowder
- Improve driving, save on insurance
- Home Improvements- Worth The Investment-
- Taxes not sole factor in oil industry investment
- Florida Property Tax Reform Debate Continues
- Florida House members offer new property tax plan
- State budget deal hikes taxes; Republicans, Democrats both claim victory
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
- Powell Says Iran Nuke Row Can Be Solved
- Turkey Says Iraq Incursion Not Immediate
- Egypt Helps Bolster Prospect of Peace Talks
- China Issues Warning on Dalai Lama Trip
- Iran Wins Neighbors' Pledge Not to Help US Attack
- Does Obama's Message Match the Moment-
- Top restaurant serving up unusual new dish- Grey squirrel pancakes...
- 6-Year-Old Girl Cited by NYPD for Sidewalk Chalk Drawing...
- School wants contraceptives for 11 year olds; no parental notification...
- George Lucas Planning 'Star Wars' TV Series; 'It Has Nothing to Do with Luke Skywalker or Darth Vader'...
- World Toilet Organization- Human waste can help save planet...
- Study Ranks Best, Worst States for Hospital Care
- Lloyds Faces Large Money Laundering Fines
- Lawmakers probe overpayments to insurers
- Bacterial Infection Killed Almost 19000 in 2005
- Stanford researchers find blood test for Alzheimer's
- US Researchers Find Garlic Beneficial For Your Health
- Leopard system requirements and new features
- Apple Could Face Lawsuit Over 'Toxic' iPhone Report
- Apple profit seen rising, stock topping out
- Will Apple Open the iPhone-
- Apple Cuts Price on DRM-Free Music to 99 Cents
- Small Steps at Yahoo Bear Fruit
- MySpace and Skype to Announce Partnership
- Asustek Nears Launch Of Low-Cost Notebook
- Microsoft Unveils Voice-Calling Software
- Microsoft's Live Search 411 to rival GOOG-411
- Intel, Buoyed by Quarter, Offers an Upbeat Outlook
- Toyota Loses Top Spot in Reliability Rankings
- AT&T To Drop Early Termination Fees
- Google's YouTube Debuts Copyright Enforcement System
- Video stores getting crushed by Web
- RIAA tries to pull plug on Usenet
- Napster debuts new Web-based offering
- Blame and Anxiety Rise Along With Price of Oil
- Smile -- You're on Social Security!
- Depressed at work- Get a new career
- Initial Colonoscopy Key to Cancer Detection
- Still exercising ... still fat
- Experts- Home prices will fall till '09
- Who profits from the housing mess-
- Possible new marine species found in Celebes Sea
- 10 hottest stocks for right now
- 9 hot stocks for late 2007
- Forbes- The world's oldest billionaires
- Can spending help save the Earth-
- Will the global bubble burst-
- Balloon Punctured For Ethanol
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
- Putin Warns USA Against Attacking Iran...
- McCain would exclude Russia from G8 nations...
- Pentagon chief says all options on table for Iran...
- US Iraq presence aiding al-Qaida-
- US- Iraqi terror network remains 'lethal'
- US looks at alternative Iraq supply routes
- Bush Meets With Dalai Lama...
- Experts- Drug-resistant staph deaths may surpass AIDS deaths
- Oil prices not hurting economy, yet
- Southern Calif. home sales plunge 30% in Sept...
- 3 Largest Banks Team on Rescue Fund...
- Bernanke- Housing Woes to Slow Growth...
- Treasury Dept. initiated discussions...
- Verizon reveals extent of records released
- Rush of Cuban migrants use Mexican routes to USA...
- Poll- Thompson's star fades as Clinton's rises
- Dems out-raise Republicans threefold...
- New Book Dissects Clintons' Marriage...
- God is Back on US Flag Certificates
- Dems Withdraw Support of Armenian Genocide Resolution
- Iraqi government calls for urgent talks with Turkey...
- Having sex daily 'improves a man's fertility'...
- Vienna to host world's first-ever 'divorce fair'...
- Airline detains passenger for using iPhone in 'airplane mode'...
Monday, October 15, 2007
- Turkish Forces Barrage Border Area in Northern Iraq
- Al Qaeda In Iraq Defeated-
- An Internet Jihad Sells Extremism to Viewers in the U.S.
- FBI Monitoring Al Qaeda Activity in Northern NJ
- Rice stumps for Palestinian state; Olmert hints at sharing Jerusalem
- First Lady Raising Her Profile Without Changing Her Image
- Giuliani Sells New York as the Town He Tamed
- Overriding popular vote
- AOL to cut 2,000 jobs
- China's Hu pledges modest reforms
- OIL HITS $85...
- Where a home of their own is an elusive dream
- Discovery Communications to buy HowStuffWorks.com
- New carping about high-end Canon SLR focus
- Cell phone doubles as home surveillance gear
- OpenOffice's apparent mission creep
- Several US cities snapping over baggy pants
- Brits yank own teeth with pliers
Sunday, October 14, 2007
- Poll- Clinton has large lead in NH
- Could the Crash of '87 happen again-
- High crude prices hurt oil firms
- Lenders failing to really help troubled borrowers
- FHA May Have Loans for Many Home Buyers Frozen out of Subprime
- Unlocking hack appears for "blocked" iPhones
- Passenger Says ATA Harassed Him For iPhone Use
- A Bruise or Two on Apple's Reputation
- Universal Takes Aim at iTunes; Digital Music May Never Be the Same
- Red Hat, Novell sued for patent infringement
- Microsoft Adds Event Planning to Live Services
- Web Warrior
- Google Skimps on Its Own Advertising
- Random House Finally Joining the Google Book Scanning Fold-
- Wal-Mart Eyes $287 Million Benefit From RFID
- Obama not ‘black enough’ for White House-
- Citigroup, Bank of America Lead Banks Creating Fund
- Fox Business era dawns
- Airbus hopes its troubles finally take flight
- Wrestling with Change in China
- Turkish General Warns US on Resolution
- Researchers On Verge of Blood Test For Alzheimer's Disease
- Chocolate Lovers May Be Hard-Wired That Way
- Fearful looks get brain's attention fast- study
- Depression Reported by 7% of Workforce
- Space-Based Solar Cells Could Power Entire Earth
- Is there life on a moon of Saturn-
- Paper- Gore's prize- A fraud on the people...
- Banks line up $75bn mortgage debt fund...
- 'Black Monday' haunts traders as 20 year anniversary looms...
- We are overpaid, say executives; Study could strengthen demands for curbs...
- Israel Struck a Nuclear Project Inside Syria...
- ...unfinished reactor
- Ex-Iraq commander Sanchez calls war 'nightmare with no end in sight'...
Thursday, October 11, 2007
- Rice calls Iranians liars on nukes
- Turkey recalls envoy after US genocide vote
- Military pays millions in bonuses to keep commandos
- Warming climate shrinking Glacier Park's glaciers
- Federal deficit hits lowest level in 5 years
- Vonage wants review of Verizon patent appeal
- Hackers Claim to Revive 'Bricked' iPhones
- Apple puts up iPhone Web app directory
- HDTV's evolving alphabet soup- LED, OLED, LCD, DLP
- FOX News Poll- More Voters Think Clinton Will Be President
- TSA Promises Privacy For Subjects Of Clothing-Penetrating Scans
- In Radiohead Price Plan, Some See a Movement
- Wal-Mart Lifts Profit Forecast After Cutting Expenses (Update5)
- Lexus US chief defects to Ford
- Sallie Mae debt still not safe from LBO
- Democrats Agree on Fannie, Freddie Caps
- Concerns Rise Over US Food Safety
- Airlines disappointed, but taking 787 delay in stride
- Oil futures jump after supply data show drawdown
- Investor Concern About Countrywide (CFC) CEO Stock Sales
- Google billionaires get another jet
- Partners Give Thumbs Up To Mozilla's Mobile Firefox Plan
- Chinese Internet Censorship Machine Revealed
- Motorola's New Phone Lineup Includes 18K Gold Snakeskin Razr 2
- Infant cough/cold medicines recalled in US
- The Problem with Transfusions
- Ask Bill Gates
- South African researchers Find Genome for XDR-TB
- Foreclosure Filings Nearly Double...
- Hillary- 'I have a million ideas. The country can't afford them all'...
- WIRE- Clinton Faces Men, Glass Ceiling in Iowa...
- PAPER- GOOGLE bans anti-MoveOn.org ads...
- California Bans Smoking in Cars With Kids...
- Divers Find Alaska's Oldest American Shipwreck
- See Today's Top News Photos
- Jimmy Carter calls Cheney a 'disaster'...
- Intelligence Officials To Probe Bin Laden Video Leak...
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
- UPDATE- Judge rules Gore climate film requires guidance notes...
- Strike deadline nears at Chrysler
- Missing Atlantic City mayor resigns
- Talk back- Are attractive people richer-
- Man finds missile parts in car trunk
- Why you may need to add fat to your diet
- It's Official- California City Bans Smoking In Some Homes...
- 'Phony soldiers'
- China Jails Woman for Internet Lies...
- Israel first country to install anti-missile tech in all its civilian aircraft...
- eBay wants to welcome you to its new 'neighborhood'
- Google Buys Maker of Mobile Social Network
- Google, IBM Promote Cloud Computing
- Apple sued in iBrick fiasco
- Making YouTube Pay Off
- US embassy in Iraq's opening on hold
- Turkey and US head for showdown over vote on Armenian 'genocide'
- TSA pulls plug on Orlando's ShoeScanner
- Romney-Giuliani feud steals Thompson show
- Study- Migraine pill can help alcoholics
- Bad Marriage, Bad Heart-
- Scientists Discover Stored Blood Loses Life-Saving Gas
- Reduced Risk Of Ovarian Cancer Linked To Low Fat Diet
- Fixing a broken patent system
- Putin- No proof Iran pursuing nukes
- Spy Chief- West Trying To Crumble Russia
- Economists cut 2008 forecasts for U.S. growth
- Australian doctors use case of vodka to treat poisoned Italian tourist
- Che legacy still looms large
- Craft Yields New Discoveries About Jupiter
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
- Iraq losing steam as Dem political issue-
- Sandy Berger now advising Hillary...
- A Revolutionary Icon, and Now, a Bikini
- How to avoid the airplane cold
- Users' complaints to FTC show another side of GOOGLE...
- Cellphone cancer risk 'higher for children'...
Monday, October 08, 2007
- Cuba honors Che Guevara
- Israel May Approve a Divided Jerusalem
- Tehran Students Protest Ahmadinejad Speech
- Turkey under pressure to hit back after Kurdish separatists kill 15 in two days
- Mexican 'House of Death haunts U.S.
- Costa Rican leader- Voters OK US trade deal
- Chopper Escorting Musharraf Crashes
- Pakistan enters political limbo
- Nobel Prize in medicine announced
- Three share Nobel Prize in medicine
- Is salt the next trans fat-
- Tiny machines detect clogged arteries
- Forbes- 26-year-old woman is China's richest person
- Oil Poised to Drop for First Time in Year as Price Gap to Gasoline Widens
- How could killer get job as sheriff-
- Iraqis pull back from key U.S. goal
- Msnbc.com acquires Newsvine
- How 'priceless' is MasterCard-
- Early retirees- How to stay insured
- Google shares headed to $700-
- IBM, Google detail joint initiative
- 13 cheap & easy ways to go green
- Portals vs. social networks- The new operating system!
- Greetings...you're infected
- Author spends year living biblically
- PAPER- Britain 'on board' for US strikes on Iran...
- 100,000 US troops could leave soon- Iraq president...
- Pakistani court to decide Musharraf's legitimacy
- 'Depleted' Taliban steps up suicide bombings
- Name-calling war overshadowing debate on Iraq
- A Nation of Christians Is Not a Christian Nation
- Negative Perceptions Dogging Clinton...
- How Clinton has built her lead
- Democrats See Wedge Issue in Health Bill
- Costa Rica 'supports' US trade deal
- To Buy and Share Music Wirelessly
- FDA explores behind-the-counter drug sales
- Brain-eating amoebas live in Tucson's water supply
- 'Socialized Medicine' Quackery
- Should Pregnant Women Eat More Seafood-
- FDA Set to Issue Black-Box Warning on Drugs Used With Ultrasounds
- NASA needs a new vision
- Milestone in reach for spacestation
- Sprint seeks new CEO amid shakeup
- California man seeks class action lawsuit over iPhone bricking ...
- McDonald's launches free Wi-Fi in UK restaurants
- Hot Tunes- Man Says Nano iPod Caught Fire in His Pocket
- Why the RIAA should have won (though the fine was too high)
- Rumor- Facebook to take on iTunes-
- Yahoo, eBay work to block phishing
- Danger Lurks on Government Web Sites
- See Today's Top News Photos
- Report- N. Korea May Disable Nuclear Facilities This Month
- Thousands rally in Hong Kong for full democracy
- Rumor- More details about Facebook's shadowy 'music project'
- Watching the 'Microsoft killers' come and go
- New entry-level Xbox 360 model imminent-
- RIAA verdict playback
- Missouri Man Could Face 30 Years for Stealing Doughnut
- Supreme Court Case Pits Bush Against Texas
- Petraeus Goes on Offensive Against Iran
- Mortgage Slump Hits Home Decor Industry
- More victims for housing market
- Jobs That Pay $30 Per Hour
- Small Scanners Find Hidden Heart Disease
- The Right Way to Wash Your Car
- Nine Snacks Under 100 Calories
- Smart tricks to stash cash
- Lessons from living down and out
- Do Not Call list about to expire
Friday, October 05, 2007
- Police kill man who shot 5 at La. law firm. More soon ...
- Ky. sues makers of OxyContin
- Video shows woman resisting arrest
- Unguarded paths challenge Border Patrol
- Confessions of a credit card pusher
- Risk your house to pay off credit
cards?- - Recession- Not 'if' but 'when'
- How to fight inflation with your $$
- How Toyota became No. 1
- 5 papers you need to save
- Why hard work doesn't pay off
- More victims for housing market
- When frugality gets extreme
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Verizon's Answer to the iphone


- Missile Defense System Is Up and Running, Military Says - New York ...
- House Passes Bill on Pullout
- Britain to pull more troops out of Iraq
- Gordon Brown 'no longer closest Bush ally'...
- Man arrested for airport al-Qaida joke...
- Iranian University Invites Bush to Speak
- IDF lifts censorship restrictions on air strike in Syria
- Pentagon Hopes Successful Missile Test Boosts Support
- Putin plan- more democratic-
- Russia issues gas ultimatum to Ukraine
- Google Stock Approaches $600 as Web Ad Spending Soars
- Cold August For Home Sales
- Pending Home Sales Index Hits Record Low...
- Morgan Stanley cuts 600 mortgage jobs
- Weak dollar prompts record foreign buyouts of U.S. companies...
- eBay- What to do with Skype-
- HTC Launches Shift UMPC in the UK
- Podcast- Nokia hopes GPS is the phone's killer app
- Hackers Post Techniques for Reversing iPhone Update
- Apple, Jobs, AT&T named in ridiculous $1 million iPhone lawsuit
- Personality may play role in Alzheimer's
- Study- Women, blacks less likely to get heart devices
- Americans spend more on health care
- Standard Medicare Premium Will Rise 3.1% Next Year
- Cough Drugs for Kids Spark Concern
- Study- Pollution Shuts Down the Immune System
- Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas Sets the Record Straight
- US sees best results of drug war in 20 years
- Sputnik Stunned the World, and Its Rocket Scared the Pentagon
- Honda Leads Asian Carmakers' US Gains; Toyota Falls
- Gibson's Self-Tuning Guitar
- Radiohead website crashes as fans rush to order album
- Democrats Propose Tax Surcharge for War...
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
- Clinton tops Obama in third quarter funds
- Britain withdrawing 1,000 troops from Iraq
- Deaths in Iraq Hit New Lows Following Troop Surge
- Israel, breaking silence, confirms strike in Syria...
- PAPER- 72% of Israelis support using nuclear weapon...
- Yahoo! Upgrades Search Engine in Drive to Catch Google
- Online Videos May Be Conduits for Viruses...
- How NASA helped invent Silicon Valley
- Airports to screen remote-control toys...
- Palm posts loss for first time in 4 years
- STUDY- Boys and men worry less...
- Bush attacks 'Hollywood values'...
- RECORD HIGH- Dow Defies; Passes 14,000...
- Radiohead tells fans to pay what they can for album...
- ONLY 0.12 INCHES THICK- SONY to launch ultra-thin TVs...
Monday, October 01, 2007
- Nokia Buys Software Maker for $8.1 Billion
- Try Thinking of the Customer for Once, Apple!
- The New Amazon Music Store- the Morning After
- Microsoft puts Office on the Web, Adobe Follows
- Microsoft Extends Windows XP Sales by Five Months
- EBay Takes $1.4 Billion Charge Related to Skype Unit
- Citi Gets Caught In The Sqeeze
- EU opens antitrust proceedings vs Qualcomm
- Walgreen's profit unexpectedly falls
- Competition too much for NetBank
- Britain to fully insure personal savings accounts to 35000 pounds
- Crude Oil Falls as Refining Margins Slide to an 11-Month Low
- Bush Criticizes Congress for Failing to Pass Spending Bills
- Bush eyes 'surgical' strikes vs. Iran, sez mag
- Romney, Obama ahead in Iowa, poll says
- Gingrich doesn't regret decision to skip 2008 race
- US court opens term, with terrorism, death penalty
- Sanofi Aventis cancer drug gets FDA approval for new usage
- Putin eyes prime minister's job
- House prices set to fall further- Greenspan
- Woman Gives Birth to Own Grandchildren!
- Christian Conservatives Consider Third-Party Effort...
- Rare spasm-caused heart attacks hit kids
- Sputnik's Secret History Finally Revealed
Two-headed turtle goes on display in Pa.

It has two heads sticking out from opposite ends of its shell, along with a pair of front feet on each side. But there is just one set of back feet and one tail.
The turtle is apparently healthy, and the species can live 15 to 20 years, said Jay Jacoby, manager of Big Al's Aquarium Supercenter in East Norriton. The turtle has not yet been named.
The store would not disclose how much it paid.
The same exotic-turtle collector sold another Big Al's store a conjoined-twin turtle about 20 years ago, Jacoby said. The man lives in Florida, but he declined to identify him.
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