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Monday, January 31, 2011

Internet 'Kill Switch' Legislation Back in Play...

Canada gets first, bitter dose of 'metered Internet'...

March of millions planned for Tuesday...

Egypt's armed forces pledge 'no violence' against protesters...

'Carnival atmosphere' among demonstrators...

Food shortages add to chaos...

TRUMP: Mideast Explosion Could Destroy OPEC, LOWER Oil Prices...
PAPER: Obama will go down in history as the president who lost Egypt...
Dozens of police break up brawl at church...


Canada investigates mass sled dog slaughter...

BOOK: Assange feared he was being followed by US spies; 'Old lady' disguise...

Israel shocked by Obama's 'betrayal' of Mubarak...
US issues terrorist warning for citizens worldwide...

Man of the people?

Egyptians have reservations about 'weak' ElBaradei...

REPORT: Muslim Brotherhood, ElBaradei to form unity gov't...
Carla Bruni: 'I no longer feel left wing'...
Indonesia jails rock star for Internet sex videos...
Senators vow to strip Obama climate power...

World's oldest woman dies at 115 in Texas...

Conservative PAC wants refund for supporting Scott Brown...
Vending-Machine Thefts Spur Crackdown...
African country set to make breaking wind -- a crime...

Brent crude oil above $100 for 1st time since 2008...
11% of All US Homes Are Now Empty...
Stocks End Up; Best January for Dow in 14 Years...

20+ INCHES...

Storm could be bigger than 1967...



Ice Storm, Nasty Cold...
Hillary convenes mass meeting of ambassadors...
Car repo quiz show: Contestants play to keep their own vehicles...
Boxer's debut ends in death...

Scientists Discover: Chimpanzees mourn their dead just like humans!
'SOCIAL NETWORK' BREAKDOWN: 'KING'S SPEECH' gets double Oscars boost...
DA: Wife Killed Husband After Finding Hickey...

Schumer: 'We have 3 branches of gov't -- A House, a Senate, a President'...
Kid fined $637 for swearing in school...
COPS: High Schoolers Kidnap, Beat, Hang Kid From Tree...
VIDEO: Thousands of sharks spotted off Palm Beach...
US issues terrorist warning for citizens worldwide... http://plu.gd/erl

Sent via the PM Network...

World's oldest woman dies at 115 in Texas... http://plu.gd/ern

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Haiti OKs giving ex-President Aristide passport to return from exile - AFP http://bit.ly/hyI6qE

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Breaking News: Florida Judge Rules #HealthCare Law Is Unconstitutional

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Canada gets first, bitter dose of 'metered Internet'... http://plu.gd/eqP

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Food giant Nestle closing Egypt operations for now, Coca-Cola doing same in Cairo - wsj.com http://on.wsj.com/e3H9qo

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Google exec missing after joining Egyptian protests - wsj.com http://on.wsj.com/fxZ5Sk

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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Chavez: US role in Egypt crisis 'shameful'... http://plu.gd/epO

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Borders delays vendor, landlord payments again, in bid to avoid bankruptcy - nyt http://nyti.ms/hkwoKo

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U.S. Embassy advises Americans in #Egypt to consider leaving as soon as possible - AP

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Saturday, January 29, 2011

Egyptian Strife Sends Oil Close To $100 On Suez Canal Closure Fears...

BIDEN: Mubarak not a dictator, shouldn't resign...

Axelrod: Obama 'Directly Confronted' Mubarak for Past 2 Years 'To Get Ahead of This'...

Iran Sees Rise of Islamic Hard-Liners in Arab Lands...

Crackdown evokes Iran's heavy hand in 2009 unrest...

Egyptian Police Using U.S.-Made Tear Gas Against Demonstrators...

The Day a Nation Shut Down the Internet...

CLUELESS: Davos delegates seem unsure how to respond to turmoil in Egypt...

Thousands protest in Jordan, demand PM step down... 

Huge anti-government protest in Albania...

New protests erupt in Yemen...

PAPER: Obama channeling Reagan? Hardly...

Will be out 'by the end of this year'...
Controversial Muslim cleric caught being smuggled into U.S. over Mexico border...

Charlie Sheen Enters Rehab; CBS Halts Production Of Hit Series...

Friday, January 28, 2011

WikiLeaks rival launches new secret-spilling site http://wapo.st/hHm4wu via @washingtonpost

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Thousands protest in Jordan, demand PM step down... http://plu.gd/emY

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Gov't Shows How Easily Internet Can Be Silenced... http://plu.gd/en4

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'Hernia' causes Charlie Sheen's medical emergency... http://plu.gd/emg

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Jordan's king under pressure... http://plu.gd/em2

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Thursday, January 27, 2011


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Spain seals deal with unions on raising retirement age to 67 http://nyti.ms/ikgi6V

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OBAMA'S NEW FACE... http://plu.gd/ela

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AZ lawmakers to target automatic citizenship... http://plu.gd/el0

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Gladys Horton, singer for Motown group The Marvelettes, has died at age 66 - latimes http://lat.ms/fJ86wV

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Breaking News: New user photos of protests in Egypt, via breakingnews http://bit.ly/dTrEug
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NASA: If you missed the docking of the #HTV_2 to the space station, watch it on our YouTube channel: http://go.nasa.gov/gONfu3
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Utah military base that runs tests to protect troops from biological attacks is locked down - AP http://wapo.st/hWroUg

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Wednesday, January 26, 2011



Cash-Strapped County To Fight Snow With 'Pickle Juice'...

Lawyers and lawsuits shut down prime sledding hills...
Top Medicare official doubts health care law savings...

10 states invoke 1700s 'nullification doctrine'...

Waiver list tops 700...
New-home sales in 2010 lowest in 47 years...
GOOGLE Comes Under Fire for 'Secret' Relationship with NSA...

Cartoon of former CEO Schmidt's 'creepy' lines...

Wall Street Partying in Davos as Bankers Overcome Crisis...

...elites see global economic shift East, South
Mutant mosquitoes: Malaysia release of genetically modified insects sparks fears of uncontrollable new species...

SHOCK CLAIM: Hawaii Gov. Admits There Are No Obama Birth Records In Hawaii...

RETRACTION: 'I misspoke and I apologize,' reporter says...
Arizona to pass 2012 eligibility law?
STATE OF THE UNION: 81-Year-Old Man, 75-Year-Old Wife Severely Beaten In $18 Robbery...
Live fish, baby chicks tossed at High School pep rally...
HACK ATTACK: London police reopen investigation into NEWS OF THE WORLD...

Murdoch rolls up his sleeves...
REPORT: MTV 'SKINS' 'In Danger of Being Canceled'...
Man arrested for stealing OWN car suing city...

Egypt protests continue into second day despite ban, police presence...

REPORT: Mubarek's son, family flee to Britain...
Thousands chew coca in Bolivia protest...
China to create mega-city; 42 million people...

Pelosi Logged 43 Flights Covering 90,155 Miles with Air Force Aircraft in 2010...
School defends experiment to separate black students...
Rand Paul proposes $500 billion in federal budget cuts...
Chávez tackles housing crisis by urging poor to squat wealthy parts of Caracas...
WAL-MART offers makeup, anti-aging products for 8-year-olds...
Mom jailed for enrolling kids in better school district...
Kucinich sues House cafeteria for $150,000 over olive pit in sandwich...
MYSTERY: Case of 13 hospitalized Iowa football players 'unusual'...
UPDATE: Grand piano found on sandbar in Miami bay...
Insurance Company Drops Vet Over 2-Cent Shortage...
FACEBOOK to let advertisers re-publish user posts...
Putin: Chechnya separatists not suspected in Russia airport blast, based on preliminary information http://bit.ly/fEzhPR

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Smart phones redefining warfare... http://plu.gd/eiP

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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

FLASHBACK: Obama proposal kills NASA's back-to-the-moon project... http://plu.gd/ei2

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Monday, January 24, 2011




Severed head found at airport thought to be bomber's...

Rubio calls Roe v. Wade 'tragic' at huge March for Life in DC...
Abortion Doctor Ran 'House of Horrors', Body Parts Lying Around In Garbage Bags...
-50: Arctic air descends over Maine...

Bitter cold hits Northeast...

Bastardi: Forecast for the Rest of Winter Looks Rough...

Mortgage Giants Leave Legal Bills to the Taxpayers...
Global Price Fears Mount...
Supreme Court Justices Could Be No-Shows For SOTU Address...

'Jasmine' revolt wave reaches Albania...

Yemeni president tries to defuse calls for ouster...
108-3 girls basketball rout raises controversy...
SKINNED: MTV’s Naked Calculation Gone Bad...

Teen wasteland...
Broadband cable on its way to unplugged Cuba...

Renewed Push to Give Obama an Internet 'Kill Switch'...
3 SEIU Locals Get HealthCare Waivers; SEIU Spent $28M on Obama Campaign...
White House: 'Birthers' aren't 'rational'...
Secret papers reveal slow death of Middle East peace process...

WIKILEAKS claim: Only 1% of diplomatic docs published...
DOMINATE: GOOGLE Seeks to Weaken Search Engine Ranking of 'Content Farming' Websites...

...outgoing CEO Schmidt gets $100 million

Antitrust bulldog pushes GOOGLE probe...

Allen to announce Senate bid Monday...
Lieberman: 'Partisan Mud Fights' Hurt Self-Confidence...

China 'on Collision Course' with USA...

Bank Moves to Buy U.S. Branches...

Stealth fighter 'based on crashed American plane'...

Chinese Pianist Played Anti-American Propaganda Tune at White House?

GM's China sales pass US for first time in history...


Robots, guns, horses...
Packer mocks Obama...

Chicago fans burn jersey of losing QB...

Bar roasts bear for NFC title game...

Football Blowout: AFC Championship Game Ratings Highest In 24 Years...

'Convict' monkey stages daring cage break...
Woman faces slavery-related charges involving illegal immigrant...
Pope warns of alienation risk in social networks...
Med marijuana users getting pot soft drink...
Iran announces launch of new cyber police units...

NYDN: Tax collectors take aim at Alec Baldwin, other celebs...
AMAZON targets grocery sector with free delivery...
SNAP: Man Hits Pit Bull With Tire Iron, Stabs It Two Dozen Times...

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Fitness guru Jack LaLanne dies at 96 - AP
-50: Arctic air descends over Maine...

Bastardi: Forecast for the Rest of Winter Looks Rough...


Sister and brother die after falling through ice...
Seattle Activist Wins Case Against TSA...
Global Price Fears Mount...

Privacy fears loom as police drones soar...

BACKTRACK: Now Hawaii won't release birth info...

Cantor: I believe Obama is a US citizen...

PAPER: Brit shtick of Piers Morgan gets him into trouble on CNN...
Harry Belafonte: Activism 'lost' on younger generations...
SKINNED: MTV’s Naked Calculation Gone Bad...
Broadband cable on its way to unplugged Cuba...
Man Opens Fire In Detroit Police Station...
Shooting At Washington WAL-MART...
Secret papers reveal slow death of Middle East peace process...

WIKILEAKS claim: Only 1% of diplomatic docs published...
DOMINATE: GOOGLE Seeks to Weaken Search Engine Ranking of 'Content Farming' Websites...

...outgoing CEO Schmidt gets $100 million

Allen to announce Senate bid Monday...
Lieberman: 'Partisan Mud Fights' Hurt Self-Confidence...

China 'on Collision Course' with USA...

Bank Moves to Buy U.S. Branches...

Stealth fighter 'based on crashed American plane'...

Chinese Pianist Played Anti-American Propaganda Tune at White House?

HACK ATTACK: Brown asks Scotland Yard to investigate if he was snooped...

Scandal threatens more newspapers...

The story that wouldn't go away...
Woman Arrested For Sending Son Out Into 4 Degree Temps -- Barefoot...
9-11 museum execs draw hefty salaries...
Chicago fans burn jersey of losing QB...

Bar roasts bear for NFC title game...

FOX yanks 'Jesus hates Obama' Super Bowl ad...

20-foot wave leaves California surfer fighting for his life...
UN funding an early target for House Republicans...
Iran announces launch of new cyber police units...
'Global warming' litigation may lead to 'hundreds of billions of dollars' in damages...
'Bug Mac' and lovely 'grub': food of the future...

Dubai opens 'world's highest' restaurant...

Mental patient tied to wall sparks Dutch outrage...
AMAZON targets grocery sector with free delivery...
SNAP: Man Hits Pit Bull With Tire Iron, Stabs It Two Dozen Times...

Friday, January 21, 2011

UPDATE: Hawaii governor says Obama's birth record 'exists' but can't produce it...
Graffiti Found In SoCal. Claims Gov. Brown Will Be Killed On Valentine's Day...
Idaho GOP gets ready to nullify health care reform...
Midwest Deep Freeze Aims for the Northeast...


CHICAGO: -20...

Minnesota: -40 ...

Mystery Goo Turns Icicles Green and Yellow...

FBI 'largest' Mafia takedown...


'Vinny Carwash', 'The Fang', 'Tony Bagels', 'Johnny Pizza', 'Baby Shacks', 'Jack the Wack', 'Junior Lollipops', 'Bobby Glasses'...
Feds Probe Post-Flu Shot Seizures Among Kids...
Ban on Guantánamo military trials 'to be lifted'...

Amanpour Links JFK/RFK Assassinations to Today’s 'Political Atmosphere'...
520-day flight simulation nears 'landing' on Mars...
Church pressure on Berlusconi rises over scandal... 

The Caligulan court laid bare...
Victim's family sues Schwarzenegger over commutation of sentence...
Detroit women get no help in arrest of alleged car thief...
Las Vegas tourist files suit: 'Escort did an illegal sexual act on me'...
Pecan thefts on the rise...

SPACE RACE: Super Jumbo Rocket, With Secret Satellite Payload, Blasts Off From Vandenberg...


Sacha Baron Cohen -- to play Saddam Hussein!
Clint Eastwood To Direct Beyoncé In Musical Version Of 'STAR IS BORN'...
'Hickey' causes stroke, leaves woman partially paralyzed...

UK leader's top aide resigns in tabloid scandal...

...phone hacking row intensifies

Orszag: America must brace itself for turbulence...
Chavez says he won't give up decree powers...
NYC Issues Taxi Driver Dress Code; Must Maintain 'Professional Appearance'...
UK's Blair faces second grilling on Iraq war...
Russian spy Anna Chapman to reveal 'all secrets'...
Outspoken Tucson sheriff faces recall bid...
Passenger punches flight attendant over blocked aisle...

Facing $1.6B shortfall, San Fran pays employees $170 million in bonuses...

CLOSE TIES: Administration approves GENBCCOMCAST merger AND makes CEO Immelt part of Administration -- in same week!
Union membership at record low...
Hollywood, Jobs, Trump help Rahm haul in $10.6M...
HE'S BACK: Bin Laden threatens France in new message...

Obama daughter practices Chinese with Hu...

Chinese Tiger ate US Dove for lunch...
French court convicts WARNER head, ex-VIVENDI boss...
What Happened to 15 Million Jobs?

Wall Street's 'Bernanke' rally runs into headwinds...

Home sales hit 13-year low...
Texas Lawmakers Push To Create 'Domestic Violence Registry'...

FACEBOOK blocks Roger Ebert's blog for 'abusive content'...
Oprah's OWN Network Plummets in Ratings Two Weeks After Launch...
World is sinking: Dubai islands 'falling into the sea'...
Armed 'Obama robber' hits Austria banks...

Thursday, January 20, 2011

A day after cutting $19B deal with China, Boeing slashes 1,100 US jobs... http://plu.gd/e9A

Sent via the PM Network...

China: USA #1 no more...
GE CEO: China one day will be world's biggest economy...

Obama: 'We Welcome China's Rise'...

Careful to avoid criticism...

Throws lavish state dinner; Lobster, jazz, Streisand, Jackie Chan!

Boehner, McConnell skip...


Hu doesn't answer question on human rights; blames technical issues...

Lost in translation...
First burials as Australian flood crisis deepens...
George Lucas fears world will end in 2012...

Tunisian army fires warning shots during protest...
Man charged with attempted murder -- for spitting on nurse!
Teen Suspended For Ranking Girls' Physical Attractiveness, Promiscuity On FACEBOOK...

Hawaii governor can't find Obama birth certificate...

Wait, we found them...
Brazil central bank raises interest rate to -- 11.25%!
Zimbabwe mulls treason charges over WIKILEAKS...

Disabled girl's mum takes on PM...
Suicide Tourists Make Swiss Uneasy as Terminally Ill Seek Death...
Michelle Obama's 'Get Moving' Program Linked to Pedestrian Deaths?
HIV-positive airman convicted of swinger sex...
3-D means headaches to many, yet companies push on...

Tucson restaurant to offer African lion tacos...

Dem Compares Republicans to Nazis during debate...

26 states join suit against law...

SHOCK CLAIM: World needs $100 TRILLION more credit, says World Economic Forum... 

Japan hits 'critical point' on state debt...

Spain to Ramp Up Banks Bailout...
Ft Hood, Army suicides hit record mark...
APPLE faces pollution storm in China...
Home building stuck near 50 year lows...
Doctor Facing Murder Charges After Botched Abortion... 

DA: Killed 7 babies with scissors...
Wrestler in 'butt-drag' case is expelled from school...