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Friday, April 29, 2011

Million dollar cars of the future - from the 70s

Bertone, the famous Italian car design firm, is selling off some of its most famous concept cars from the disco era.

1 of 6
1970 Lancia Stratos HF Zero
1970 Lancia Stratos HF Zero
Est. Value: $1.5 million to $2.7 million
Bertone, the Italian auto design firm and niche automaker, is selling off some of its most famous one-off cars.
Among the crown jewels will be this car, originally unveiled at the Turnin Motor Show in 1970. To access the driver's seat, you have to open the windshield and climb over the black rubberized hood. Instead of an ordinary instrument panel, the driver would consult a large rectangular screen mounted to the left of the steering wheel.
This car, and the five others in this gallery, are being sold by Bertone S.p.A. at RM Auction'sConcorso d'Eleganza Villa d'Este event on May 21st in Cernobbio, Italy.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

iPhone Location Tracking Pete Warden and Alasdair Allan
In response to the hubbub surrounding the iPhone's unwanted tendency to transcribe your every move and remember it for years, Apple today issued a curious statement--mostly a blanket denial of wrongdoing, though that's undermined a bit by Apple's promising to issue a software update that'll solve the issue. Apple claims the data logging is a crowdsourcing effort to improve location services, and that both the excessively long memory for location data and the problem of logging even when location services are turned off are bugs that will be fixed. All in all, a totally Apple response: Sometimes wrong, but never uncertain.

The Extreme Light Infrastructure will be built in Eastern Europe

ELI Will Outshine The Mega-Powerful Laser of the National Ignition Facility Department of Energy
Who knew it would take so long to approve a project to build the world’s most powerful lasers? Lasers are awesome. But after reconciling some paltry funding issues, the European Commission finally approved the Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI) project, which plans to build three superlasers by 2015.
The lasers will be the first to operate in the exawatt scale--a quintillion watts. That’s about a million times more powerful than 10 billion 100-watt lightbulbs. And a fourth superlaser should be forthcoming, one with beams twice the power of these three. This is the laser that was theorized to be the most powerful laser possible.
The list of implications for this never-before-seen technology is long, reaching into cancer diagnosis and treatment, elimination of nuclear waste, broadening of the technology industry, and expansion of nanoscience and molecular chemistry research.
Several countries competed for the honor of hosting the laser. ELI's most important research laser will find its home in the Czech Republic while the other two will reside in Hungary and Romania.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Want to get ripped? Then get out of the #gym and take up one of these 10 sports http://fxn.ws/gInidE
REPORT: Steve Jobs calls tracking reports 'false'... http://plu.gd/hha
The B&N Nook Color, without a doubt the best sub-$300 tablet out there, just got an actual app store. Encouraging! http://gizmodo.com/#!5795289/nook-color-wants-to-be-a-real-android-tablet-now
IMF: AGE OF AMERICA NEARS END http://plu.gd/hg6

Wednesday, April 20, 2011