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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 now clearly a government cover-up

Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 now clearly a government cover-up: All evidence contradicts official story.

Monday, March 24, 2014
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of NaturalNews.com (See all articles...)
Tags: Malaysia Airlinesofficial storygovernment cover-up

(NaturalNews) The "official" story of what happened to Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 is now a blatant cover-up. After an endless stream of wild incompetence from the Malaysian military and government concerning the radar signature of the missing flight, we are now told by the Malaysian government that the flight "went down over the southern Indian Ocean" and that all lives are lost.

This explanation smacks of an obvious cover-up for several crucial reasons, all of which are now being utterly ignored by the conventional press:

#1) If the plane went down in the ocean, it would have broken up on impact and debris would be easily spotted

A Boeing 777 does not -- and cannot -- survive impact with the ocean and remain intact. It simply does not have the structural integrity to survive such an impact, which is a lot like hitting a cement wall at terminal velocity.

If Flight 370 hit the ocean, it would have been broken into tens of thousands of pieces, many of which obviously float on water (such as the seat cushions) and would be witnessed washing up on regional shores or easily spotted by search teams.

The lack of such debris is strong support that Flight 370 did not crash into the Indian Ocean as we are now being told.

#2) The plane continued broadcasting data to Boeing for 4 - 7 hours

Remember the fact that the airplane was broadcasting data for at least 4 hours after the transponder was turned off? This fact is now suddenly being dumped from history and from our memories as if it never happened.

We already know Flight 370 flew for 4 - 7 hours after diverging from its planned flight course. We already know this could have taken the plane to Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran or even North Korea. (Click here to see my map showing possible destinations.) The fact that the plane broadcast this data for hours is not in dispute!

Wall Street Journal: "U.S. investigators suspect that Malaysia Airlines 3786. Flight 370 stayed in the air for up to four hours past the time it reached its last confirmed location, according to two people familiar with the details, raising the possibility that the plane could have flown on for hundreds of additional miles under conditions that remain murky."

The Guardian: "MH370: Missing plane could have kept flying four hours after disappearing, US investigators say... Engine data shows plane could have kept flying for four hours after disappearing"

Washington Post: " the plane may have flown for at least four hours after it dropped from civilian radar, U.S. officials said Thursday. A senior U.S. official said the information came from data sent via a satellite communications system by Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370. That data has convinced U.S. officials that the plane’s engines continued to run for at least four hours after all other communication was lost."

So how does the Malaysian government now explain this? They don't. They simply gloss over this fact and hope we all forget it. They claim the plane went down in the Indian Ocean without flying very far at all. This makes no sense whatsoever and cannot be reconciled with the flight broadcast data received by Boeing.

#3) There is ZERO evidence the flight crashed into the Indian Ocean

What is the Malaysian government's evidence that Flight 370 ended in the Indian Ocean and "all lives are lost?"

They have no evidence. They have no bodies. They have no debris, no flight recorders, no sightings and no radar signatures that would put the aircraft in the Indian Ocean.

They have zero evidence. So they are now floating a cover-up to try to put this issue to rest in order to distract from their own incompetence and their bizarre failure to track the radar signature of an aircraft flying well within the range of their radar.

In fact, the only debris floating around right now is made of all the fragments of the Malaysian government's inept cover-up attempts that smack of a true "rookie attempt" to roll out a cover-up that's full of holes.

This utter lack of evidence did not prevent the Malaysian government from announcing, "we have to assume beyond any reasonable doubt that MH370 has been lost and that none of those on board survived." (USA Today)

#4) Another crucial fact: It's clear that the transponder was manually turned off in order to hide the plane's new flight path

If the pilot of Flight 370 was suicidal and wanted to fly the plane into the ocean, there would be no need to switch off the transponder before doing so.

In fact, there would be no need to make all the complex, intentional flight maneuvers which Flight 370 clearly took as has been widely reported.

The fact that the transponder was manually disconnected followed by the plane making deliberate maneuvers that put it on a new flight path is near-absolute proof that the persons controlling the aircraft had no intention of flying the plane into the ocean. It's also strong evidence that they did not want governments to track their new flight direction and destination.

Without question, they intended to take the plane somewhere else and land it somewhere else, which is exactly why the aircraft continued broadcasting flight performance data to Boeing for 4-7 hours.

The Malaysian government is now hoping you forget all these facts in believing their bizarre cover-up explanation.

Malaysia's 9/11 official storyFlight 370 is now Malaysia's 9/11, complete with nonsense "official" stories and attempts to memory hole all the facts that originally came out in the mainstream media.

We are soon going to be told outrageous lies like "Oh, Boeing never received any flight data broadcasts from the aircraft, didn't you know?"

Anyone who now cites all the facts which have already been reported in support of the theory that Flight 370 continued on to another destination will be called "conspiracy theorists" and kooks.

The mainstream media will start scrubbing stories and retroactively altering its reporting to match the "official" government story. We've seen this before. It's how governments and media outlets sweep 239 lives under the rug and try to discredit anyone who asks skeptical, scientifically-sound questions based on the actual evidence.

In truth, the Malaysian government's bizarre new claim that Flight 370 "ended in the Indian Ocean" is the biggest conspiracy theory of all. It's sheer lunacy to reach such a conclusion without compelling evidence to support it, especially in light of all the other evidence that Flight 370 continued on for hours after the transponder was intentionally disabled.

Most likely explanation at this point: The aircraft is being turned into a weaponBased on the Malaysian government's obvious cover-up attempt (which is incredibly transparent and childish as far as cover-ups go), it now seems increasingly likely that the Flight 370 aircraft has, indeed, been delivered to a rogue nation where it is being transformed into a weapon.

Malaysia has already proven that it is so incompetent that it cannot track huge aircraft flying across its airspace. This means a weaponized Boeing 777 is essentially a "stealth aircraft" to the Malaysian military -- a shocking revelation about military incompetence and lack of national security readiness in that nation.

Apparently, this same Boeing 777 can also fly undetected across the airspace of other nations -- most likely by "shadowing" existing flights while turning off its own transponder.

Whoever took control of Flight 370 now has a massive stealth weapon which an incredibly long flight range. This aircraft can now be outfitted with nuclear weapons and dispatched to almost any desirable target anywhere in the world, including cities like New York and Washington D.C., unfortunately.

I was the first journalist in the world to suggest that Flight 370 had been captured and turned into a weapon. That same story was also the very first story to suggest Flight 370 passengers may still be alive.

I still believe Flight 370 passengers may have survived the flight and the landing at the new destination, but now that world governments are rolling out their "official" stories, there is no question in my mind that they will do anything to support those official stories, even if it means discarding the lives of all the passengers. Sadly, I am now forced to recalculate the odds of Flight 370 passengers being found alive at no better than 1 in 5. (It was previously as high as 1 in 2.) But it is not zero! There is a realistic chance the passengers are being kept alive as some sort of international bargaining chip.

You can now expect the governments and media outlets of the world to start scrubbing their archived stories and statements, altering the "news history" to fit this new Malaysian government cover-up.

I wouldn't even put it past these people to now secretly sink some aircraft debris in the Indian Ocean so they can "find it" and thereby complete the cover-up.

If there's one thing I've learned in all my years as an award-winning investigative journalist, it's that you should never trust official stories... especially when they contradict all the earlier evidence.

Monday, March 24, 2014

33 Unbelievable Places To Visit Before You Die.

33 Unbelievable Places To Visit Before You Die. I Can't Believe These Actually Exist On Earth...
Posted: March 21, 2014 12:15 PM EST

By Mark Pygas

So many other-worldly places exist right on our planet, and we never even knew about it. Here are 33 landmarks that look like paintings and scenes from science fiction movies.

Salar De Uyuni, BoliviaSource: earthporm.com

During the rainy season, the world’s largest salt flat becomes the world's largest mirror. The Salar was born when several prehistoric lakes joined into one. The salt flat is so reflective, it’s used to calibrate satellites.
Tianzi Mountains, ChinaSource: michaelyamashita.com

These unqiuely tall and thin mountains are so alien that they were used in James Cameron’s “Avatar.” Formed underwater 380 million years ago, the flow destroyed surrounding sandstone, leaving only resilient stone pillars. Some of the columns have reached over 4,000 feet above sea level.Source: michaelyamashita.comSource: michaelyamashita.com
Sentinels of the Arctic, FinlandSource: niccolobonfadini.comniccolobonfadini.com

These sentinels are actually giant trees covered in snow and ice. This strange sight occurs in winter, when temperatures range from -40 to -15 degrees centigrade.Source: apod.nasa.gov
Reed Flute Caves, ChinaSource: rootfun.netSource: natureflip.com

This 240-meter-long cave system has been one of Guilin, China’s most popular attractions for over 1200 years. The beautiful stalactites, stalagmites and pillars were all created through water erosion. In the present day, they are highlighted by multi colored lights which create a truly surreal environment.Source: amusingplanet.com
Skaftafell Ice Cave, IcelandSource: all-that-is-interesting.com

Ice caves are temporary structures that form at the edge of glaciers when flowing water melts a hole into glaciers. The tightly packed ice has very few air bubbles and absorbs all light except for blue, giving the ice it’s unique color.Source: amusingplanet.com
Antelope Canyon, Arizona, United StatesSource: all-that-is-interesting.com

This canyon was formed by millions of years of flowing water that carved out a deep, yet narrow crevice. Since significantly less light makes it down to the deeper depths, the walls often appear to be different colors.Source: wikipedia.org
Bigar Waterfall, RomaniaSource: 500px.org

The locals call this waterfall "the miracle from the Minis gorge." The moss formation which the falls travel over is 8 meters tall, creating one of the most beautiful waterfalls in the world.

Sea of Stars, Vaadhoo Island, MaldivesSource: independent.co.ukSource: jeffwongdesign.com

It may look normal during daylight, but at night, this beach comes to life. The sparkle in the water comes from marine microbes called phytoplankton. The galaxy they paint across the shore is nothing short of breathtaking.Source: independent.co.uk
Grand Prismatic Hot Spring, WyomingSource: mostbeautifulplacesintheworld.org

Grand Prismatic Hot Spring is the largest hot spring in the United States. The vivid colors in the spring are the result of pigmented microbes, which grow around the edges of the mineral-rich water.Source: wikipedia.org
Deadvlei, NamibiaSource: nationalgeographic.comSource: nationalgeographic.com

No, the above images are not surrealist paintings. They’re photographs of “dead valley,” where trees stand against a background of the highest sand dunes in the world. Once a thriving forest, the approaching desert has killed all life.Source: wikipedia.org
Turquoise Ice, Lake Baikal, RussiaSource: reddit.com

Lake Baikal is the largest and oldest freshwater lake in the world. In the winter, the lake freezes, but the water is so clear that you can see 130 feet below the ice. In March, frost and sun cause cracks in the ice crust, which results in the turquoise ice shards we see at the surface.Source: mymodernmet.com
Socotra, YemenSource: images.boomsbeat.comSource: nationalgeographic.comSource: nationalgeographic.com

One third of the plant life on Socotra Island is found nowhere else on planet Earth. One of the most bizarre forms of life is the dragon blood tree, which resembles an umbrella.Source: abduzeedo.com
Zhangye Danxia Landform, Gansu, ChinaSource: laboiteverte.fr

These colourful rock formations are the result of red sandstone and mineral deposits laid down over 24 million years. Wind and rain then carved amazing shapes into the rock, forming natural pillars, towers, ravines, valleys and waterfalls.Source: telegraph.co.uk

Tunnel of Love, Klevan, UkraineSource: 500px.org

This tunnel was shaped over many years, as trains traveled the line three times time a day, molding the surrounding trees. Now abandoned, the track is a romantic spot for an afternoon stroll.Source: inhabitat.com
Glowworm Caves, Waitomo, New ZealandSource: sites.psu.edu

Thousands of tiny glowworms hang to the ceiling of this grotto and radiate a luminescent light, creating a scene straight out of a sci-fi movie.Source: waitomo.com
Yuanyang County, ChinaSource: wikimedia.orgSource: dailymail.co.uk

The farming techniques in Yuanyang County have created a landscape which is truly amazing from the air. These rice fields are located on the slopes of Ailao Mountain, where the terraced levels help create flat surfaces along an uneven landscape.Source: travelchinaguide.com
Lake Hillier, AustraliaSource: wallpaperdownloader.comSource: letithappenblog.files.wordpress.com

The pink color of this lake is thought to be the result of a dye created by algae and bacteria in the water. Despite the odd hue, the lake doesn't seem to have any adverse effects on humans or local wildlife.Source: wikipedia.org
Pamukkale Hot Springs, TurkeySource: wondrouspics.comSource: reversehomesickness.com

Over millions of years, the hotsprings in Pamukkale have transformed the landscape. Although it may look like these terraces are made of ice and snow, Turkey has bikini weather all year round. The ground is just coated in white limestone.Source: wikipedia.org
Caño Cristales River, ColombiaSource: wikimedia.orgSource: imgur.com

Due to it’s extensive habitat of fauna and flora, this flowing river appears in yellow, green, blue, black and red as you travel along it. The rocks here are around 1.2 billion years old, and those who visit call it the most beautiful river in the world.Source: wikipedia.org
Patagonia Marble Caves, ChileSource: whenonearth.net

Formed by thousands of years of waves crashing against calcium carbonate, these caves have smooth, swirling walls, which reflect the lake’s azure waters.Source: atlasobscura.com
Giant’s Causeway, Northern IrelandSource: earthporm.comSource: profissaoviajante.com

Around 50 to 60 million years ago, intense volcanic activity in the area formed a lava plateau. Over time, the lava cooled and fractures created columns that are so perfect, they almost look artificial.Source: wikipedia.org
Fly Geyser, NevadaSource: ppcdn.500px.org

Fly Geyser was accidentally created when a well was drilled and left uncapped. Minerals and algae started to rise from the geyser and accumulated to form an alien-like mound.Source: allaroundnevada.com
Underwater Waterfall, Mauritius IslandSource: whenonearth.net

Strong ocean currents continually drive sand from the shores of Mauritius into the abyss below, creating this one-of-a-kind underwater waterfall.Source: gearthblog.com
Mount Roraima, South AmericaSource: whenonearth.netSource: aqu52.files.wordpress.com

This tabletop mountain is one of the oldest mountains on Earth, dating back two billion years when the land was lifted high above the ground by tectonic activity. The sides of the mountain are sheer vertical cliffs, with several waterfalls, making it nearly impossible to climb.Source: wikipedia.org
Aogashima, JapanSource: earthporm.com

Aogashima is a volcanic island located 200 miles off the coast of Tokyo. Even more amazing than the view is the geography - there’s a smaller volcano within the volcano island.Source: earthporm.com
Fingal’s cave, ScotlandSource: potd.pdnonline.comSource: blogspot.com

Like the Giant’s Causeway, this cave was formed by lava cooling and fracturing over millions of years. The jagged formations on the outside are entirely nature’s doing.Source: wikipedia.org
Underwater River, Cenote Angelita, MexicoSource: anatoly.proSource: anatoly.pro

Underneath the water of Cenote Angelita is another flowing body of water. The river is full of hydrogen sulfate, which is much heavier than normal salt water. When it sinks to the bottom, it forms a flow of its own.Source: huffingtonpost.com
Naica Mine, MexicoSource: boredpanda.comSource: boredpanda.com

This silver mine is coated in crystals as big as 50 feet long and 4 feet wide. They Were formed by hydrothermal fluids rising from the magma chambers below. This is a must see on any cave lover’s bucket list.Source: wikipedia.org
Hidden Beach, MexicoSource: ppcdn.500px.org

This magnificent hidden beach was created by a military explosion test in early 1900s. The surrounding islands were deemed a nature park, with the hidden beach only accessible by swimming through a fifty foot tunnel.Source: huffingtonpost.com
Lake Natron, TanzaniaSource: amazingstuff.co.uk/

This lake has a uniquely high salt content. Salt-loving microorganisms thrive and produce red pigment, colorizing the water. For other animals, the salt is deadly and many calcify (effectively turning into stone) after taking a dip in the water.Source: abduzeedo.com
The Eye of Africa, MauritaniaSource: abduzeedo.com

Found in the middle of the Sahara Desert is a deeply eroded bowl, over 24 miles in diameter. The natural formation is so impressive that for a long time, scientists believed it was the site of an asteroid impact.Source: abduzeedo.com
Highlands, IcelandSource: earthporm.comSource: parrikar.com

The isolated highlands of Iceland have some of the most superb natural sights in the Northern Hemisphere. The mindblowing glaciers, craters, lakes and geysers are breathtaking by day, but when night falls, the area becomes one of the best places to witness the aurora borealis.Source: earthporm.com
Plitvice Lakes, CroatiaSource: therichestimages.com

Plitvice National Park is the largest of it’s kind in Croatia and the oldest in Southeast Europe. Over thousands of years, water flowing over limestone and chalk created natural dams and eventually, beautiful lakes, caves and waterfalls.Source: whc.unesco.org

As I compiled these mind-blowing destinations, I felt an urge to sell everything I own and travel the world. To witness these surreal places firsthand would be a life-changing experience. Share this with the people you'd love to travel with!

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