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Wednesday, January 27, 2016

AI Politics: How An Artificial Intelligence Algorithm Can Write Political Speeches

TAG Artificial Intelligence, University of Massachusetts, Political Speech
AI Politics: How An Artificial Intelligence Algorithm Can Write Political Speeches

By Menchie Mendoza, Tech Times | January 26, 5:43 AM
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A researcher at the University of Massachusetts Amherst created an AI machine that can produce grammatically correct and well-organized political speeches. The invention indicates that future political speeches may soon be produced by machines.
(Photo : Rudy and Peter Skitterians I Pixabay)

Soon, the speeches that we hear from political figures may be the product of an AI machine that has been specifically designed to write political discourses.

There seems to be a formula to writing speeches. For instance, political speeches sound similar and tend to have a standard format. Arguments in these political discourses seem to be repeated as well. Speeches also seem to use familiar phrases that show the speaker's certain political affiliation or ideology.

Valentin Kassarnig of the University of Massachusetts Amherst took all of these into consideration and made an AI machine to rival human speech writers.

"In this report we present a system that can generate political speeches for a desired political party," wrote Kassarnig. "Furthermore, the system allows to specify whether a speech should hold a supportive or opposing opinion."

Kassarnig said that in order to start training a machine-learning algorithm, he first built a database of around 4,000 political speech nuggets that he got from 53 Congressional floor debates in the United States. He gathered more than 50,000 sentences out of the speeches, with each sentence having 23 words on average. He also divided the speeches into categories depending on the political party (Democrat or Republican) and whether the speech is for or against a certain topic.

After trying various database analyzing techniques, Kassarnig decided to use a method based on the n-grams approach, which focuses on analyzing sequences of words or phrases.

First, he studied and tagged each word based on what part of speech it is (noun, adjective, verb, etc.).

Next, he turned to 6-grams and tried to determine all the words that can appear after the five previous ones, which include the probability of their appearance.

When these steps are accomplished, the process of creating speeches will automatically follow.

In his report "Political Speech Generation," Kassarnig also indicated the use of two underlying models from where he based the probabilities in the word sequencing. The language model handles the grammatical correctness of the speech while the topic model is aimed at achieving textual consistency.

He added that he also used both the manual and the automated approaches when evaluating the quality of AI machine-generated speeches. After performing an experimental evaluation, Kassarnig learned that in essence, generated speeches are good when it comes to correct grammar and the way the sentences would transition.

If you're curious to know whether a machine can actually generate good speeches, here is one example of a speech with a Democratic tone that was generated automatically by the AI algorithm.

"Mr. Speaker, for years, honest but unfortunate consumers have had the ability to plead their case to come under bankruptcy protection and have their reasonable and valid debts discharged. The way the system is supposed to work, the bankruptcy court evaluates various factors including income, assets and debt to determine what debts can be paid and how consumers can get back on their feet. Stand up for growth and opportunity. Pass this legislation."

While the AI algorithm shows huge potential in generating decent political speeches, Kassarnig is not limiting the potential of the algorithm to just politics. Instead, he suggests that the algorithm can also produce other types of texts, including news articles and blog posts.

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World Wide Web Inventor Tim Berners-Lee: Free the Internet!

Vincent West/Reuters


01.26.16 9:26 AM ET
World Wide Web Inventor Tim Berners-Lee: Free the Internet!
The British genius who invented the World Wide Web opens up about the state of the Internet, and its future.

Sundance festivalgoers on the lookout for famous celebrities this week most likely had zero idea that the cheerful Brit walking down Main Street on Monday was Sir Tim Berners-Lee, the tech pioneer who was knighted for shaping the way we live and breathe online. Quite modest and unassuming, he’s the guy who built the very first Web browser in 1989 and made http://, a thing that people see all day, every day, even if they don’t know what the heck it means.

Berners-Lee, the inventor of the World Wide Web, watched sympathetically as I sank into an awkwardly angled basket chair inside a lounge hosted by crowdfunding site Kickstarter. The setting was appropriate, seeing as what inspired Berners-Lee to create the Web in the first place back in 1989 was a desire to facilitate connections—which he’s now helped billions of people do.

That initial intention is one of the topics of ForEveryone.net, a short film from Oscar-winning director Jessica Yu (In the Realms of the Unreal, Ping Pong Player). Backed by the Ford Foundation, the documentary traces Berners-Lee’s little-known origin tale and the present-day issues that persist in the digital age—namely, net neutrality and the elusive promise of a truly free Internet.

“We should be able to use the Web without worrying about being spied on and without finding that you can’t get to places because the ISP you use has got a deal with somebody else,“ said Berners-Lee.

“The incentive whether you’re a government or a company to mess up net neutrality is control—for example, if you’re an oppressive government and you control the Internet, you can use it in all kinds of nasty ways.”

Using rising country China as an example, he noted that progress comes in different shapes and sizes. “If you look at the world through blurry spectacles, you see a slow and uneven march towards more openness,” Berners-Lee said. “It’s true that when you go to China you can’t get to YouTube, but you can get to Vimeo. You can’t get to Twitter, but you can get to lots of other sites.”

China charts on the Web index “not because they have an excellent record when it comes to censorship, but because they have a massive amount of stuff happening there—a huge amount of e-commerce, a huge amount of social chat,” he explained. “They’re using the Internet and it’s having a big positive economic effect.”

Vincent West/Reuters

“I hope that what will happen, bit by bit, is each country realizes it needs to play a part, just from a purely economic point of view,” he continued. “Companies have to be able to see and understand what the outside world is like, and the outside world has to be able to understand what China is like.”

The broad strokes of net neutrality arise in ForEveryone.Net, which hopes to put a friendly face on the fight for a free Web. That’s why Berners-Lee and Yu came to Sundance, where they premiered the film on Monday.

There are, of course, other issues in our daily digital lives. “I’m very aware of people who’ve been bullied on the Internet,” he said. “Typically women. I’m aware of the instructions you can find to do nasty things out there. [But] whenever you see humanity fairly unfiltered, humanity as you know has its dark parts but also its wonderful parts.”

I ask if Berners-Lee considers himself an optimist or a pessimist these days, seeing how his humble creation has become one of the most wonderful and frightening developments to happen to modern humans.

He paused, carefully considering it. “I’m optimistic about humanity,” he said.” “I think the energy that people have pushing it in a good direction will overcome the negative effort that’s put in. If you look at the course of history, the path of civilization has been positive. It has been toward greater democracy, greater scientific knowledge, but it’s also been very rocky. It hasn’t been a straight through path, and there have been a lot of disasters along the way.”

“I think when it comes to whether we as humanity in the end can keep it open, establish it very firmly as something which will be open and have the freedom that it has forever… I am not sure, because there are a lot of forces the other way.”

It’s been almost a year since the FCC reclassified broadband access as net neutralitythanks to a campaign waged with “people power.” Berners-Lee politely begs off of touching the 2016 election and which politicians pose the biggest threats and allies to the cause.


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“I suppose it’s another form of neutrality,” he joked. “The reason is that net neutrality and the issues in the film are actually completely nonpolitical. You find people on both sides of the aisle—in different countries they have different aisles and different political systems. People from every shape and form realize the importance of net neutrality, so it’s really important to leave it out there as an issue for everybody to claim support for and promote, whichever side of the aisle they’re on.”

A lot’s changed since the early days of the World Wide Web. The Internet has expanded exponentially, but along with the growth and wonderment comes those scary corners of the Net.

He shrugs when I ask if the dark Web worries him. “Badness frightens me, goodness thrills me,” he said. “I think to a certain extent, when you first look at the Web simplistically you feel, well, the Internet surely should be that sort of thing that is equally usable for anybody. I think that’s a bit naïve.”

He says he advises tech creators to think about the impact of their web design—even something so simple as how a “Like” button functions.

“Does it encourage people to be constructive, or does it encourage people to be destructive? Does it tend to amplify negative emotion more than it does positive emotion? The way we build websites can have an effect. Some of the most interesting work being done is to try and understand that. Lots of people build new social media websites, I say to them: Try to think about whether it will be one which will be a positive force for harmony in the world.”

I ask Berners-Lee to ponder the ambiguous line danced by hacker group Anonymous. “There’s a conflict between my right to be anonymous as a whistleblower and my right to reveal you, person who is bullying me and making my life intolerable by saying untruths about me,” he said.

“The right to be anonymous, to start with, then, is something which you have to settle in court. It’s a place where you need balance and a civilized process.”

Anonymous, the group, is “another article,” he smiles, firmly. “We don’t have time.” 


Why kids today are out of shape, disrespectful – and in charge - The Collapse of Parenting

JANUARY 25, 2016 2:16 PM

Why kids today are out of shape, disrespectful – and in charge

New book urges parents to reorder life for the sake of kids

Author, physician, psychologist warns of a ‘collapse of parenting’

Says families are facing a crisis of authority

A misbehaving child. Dr. Leonard Sax, in his fourth book, sounds an alarm bell of sorts. It is titled, “The Collapse of Parenting.” HighwayStarz/Fotolia TNS


Dr. Leonard Sax has been a family physician and psychologist for 27 years, conducting workshops around the world for parents, teachers, social workers, counselors, school psychologists and juvenile justice professionals.

He’s also a dad, and it’s from all those perspectives that he took on his fourth book, an alarm bell of sorts titled, “The Collapse of Parenting,” out recently from Basic Books.

This book cover image released by Basic Books shows, "The Collapse of Parenting: How We Hurt Our Kids When We Treat Them Like Grown-Ups," by Leonard Sax. Sax, a family physician and psychologist, argues that American families are facing a crisis of authority, where the kids are in charge, out of shape emotionally and physically and suffering because of it. He calls for a reordering of family life in response. Basic Books via AP

Sax, who lives in Exton, Pennsylvania, argues that American families are facing a crisis of authority, where the kids are in charge, out of shape emotionally and physically, and suffering because of it. He calls for a reordering of family life in response.

A conversation with Dr. Leonard Sax:


The Associated Press: What exactly do you mean by a collapse of parenting?

Sax: I wrote about an office visit with a 10-year-old boy who is sitting and playing a game on his mobile phone, ignoring me and his mom as I’m talking with his mom about his stomachache. And his mom is describing his stomachache and the boy says, ‘Shut up, mom, you don’t know what you’re talking about.’ And he laughs.

That would have been very unusual in 1990 or 2000. It is now common: children, girls and boys, being disrespectful to parents, being disrespectful to one another, being disrespectful to themselves, verbally and otherwise. The mother did nothing, just looked a little embarrassed. The culture has changed in a profound way in a short period of time in ways that have really harmed kids.

AP: What is the book really about?

Sax: The transfer of authority from parents to kids. I think you should treat kids like grown-ups. I think you should expect them to be mature and to behave, and I think that’s what it means to treat someone like a grown-up, among other things, although the phrase to treat someone like a grown-up is ambiguous.

It’s not about the abdication of authority.

For example, it’s common now in this country to find parents who are chauffeuring their 8-year-old or 12-year-old around to various schools, among families that are choosing a school, and the parent functions as educational consultant. The parent makes a recommendation, but the child makes the final decision. I know of cases where the kid was clearly making the wrong decision and the parents knew it but nevertheless felt completely powerless to overrule their child. The child is the one who suffers.

AP: What are some other examples?

Sax: The same is true with regard to a cellphone in the bedroom. You now find kids at 10, 12, 14, 16 years of age who have their phone in their bedroom at two (o’clock) in the morning. You take the device at night and you put it in the charger, which stays in the parents’ bedroom. No child should have a phone in their bedroom unsupervised.

That’s not just my opinion. That is the official teaching of the American Academy of Pediatrics in guidelines published (in) October 2013. But you would be astonished, or maybe you wouldn’t be, how many parents find that an impossible recommendation. They feel that they have no authority over their child in many domains.

AP: You refer to the value of family dinner.

Sax: Research shows having a family meal at home without distractions is important. Every day. Not doing that indicates that time spent at home with parents is the least important priority. It doesn’t matter. It can be overlooked and forgotten.

By communicating that time at home as a family is our highest priority, you are sending the message that family matters. So many kids are in the race to nowhere, trying to add things on to their resume through extracurricular activities with no sense of why. They just burn out at 15 years of age.

AP: What about time spent in the car?

Sax: No earbuds in the car. You commonly have this and kids are not engaging with their parents. Everybody’s in a rush. That time in the car is precious. The time in the car is for you to listen to your child and your child to listen to you.

My 9-year-old daughter and I know the lyrics to almost every song from “Mary Poppins.”

AP: What types of things can parents do to help a child or teen become a fulfilled adult?

Sax: The first thing is to teach humility, which is now the most un-American of virtues. When I meet with kids I ask them what they think it is and they literally have no idea. I’ve done that from third grade through 12th grade. The high school kids are more clueless than the third-graders.

They have been indoctrinated in their own awesomeness with no understanding of how this culture of bloated self-esteem leads to resentment. I see it. I see the girl who was told how amazing she was who is now resentful at age 25 because she’s working in a cubicle for a low wage and she’s written two novels and she can’t get an agent.

The second thing is to enjoy the time with your child. Don’t multitask. Get outdoors with your child.

The last thing: Teach the meaning of life. It cannot be just about getting a good job. It’s not just about achievement. It’s about who you are as a human being. You must have an answer.


Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/national/article56473378.html#fmp#storylink=cpy

Tuesday, January 26, 2016


Tuesday, January 26, 2016


Sex with a humanoid robot will become common practice by 2025, even overtaking sex between humans, says futurologist Ian Pearson. His report on the future of sex has been published in partnership with Bondara, one of UK’s leading sex toy shops.

By 2030 virtual sex will become as casual as browsing porn websites and by 2035 many will have toys that interact with virtual reality, according to the report. In fact, high-income groups could begin to use some forms of robot sex as early as 2025, before the practice overtakes sex between humans fully by 2050.

Initially, people will find it difficult to adjust to this new sex activity but will eventually become used to it, just as they embraced porn, says Pearson. When the look and feel of robots improve, people’s opinion will also change, he added.

“A lot of people will still have reservations about sex with robots at first but gradually as they get used to them, as the AI and mechanical behaviour and their feel improves, and they start to become friends with strong emotional bonds, that squeamishness will gradually evaporate, While some people will enthusiastically embrace relationship-free robot sex as soon as they can afford one, as early as 2025, it won’t have much chance of overtaking sex with humans overall until 2050.” said Pearson

© 2014: Outa Jamaica, All Rights Reserved

CIA reveals how to carry out your own X-Files investigation into unexplained phenomenon

How to find a flying saucer: CIA reveals how to carry out your own X-Files investigation into unexplained phenomenon
With release of 'X-Files' documents, CIA offers tips for investigating a UFO
This release coincides with the return of The X-Files, after 10 years off air
Tips based on historical work of Project Blue Book between 1948 and 1969


Earlier this week, the CIA released a glimpse into its own set of 'X-Files,' a small compilation of documents pulled from its expansive UFO collection, dating back to the 1940s.

The agency said that these documents appeal to both skeptics and believers – the Scully's and Mulder's of the world – who seek to prove scientific explanations, or confirm the existence of extraterrestrial activity.

To help amateur alien hunters launch their own investigations, the CIA has released '10 Tips When Investigating a Flying Saucer.'


Unexplained happenings: The CIA recently released files from its archives investigating reports of alien and UFO sightings. The organization said the declassified documents will interest both believers and skeptics


1. Establish a group to investigate and evaluate sightings

2. Determine the objectives of your investigation

3. Consult with experts

4. Create a reporting system to organize incoming cases

5. Eliminate false positives

6. Develop methodology to identify common aircraft and other aerial phenomena often mistaken for UFOs

7. Examine witness documentation

8. Conduct controlled experiments

9. Gather and test physical and forensic evidence

10. Discourage false reporting

This release coincides with the return of The X-Files and its beloved characters, Agent Fox Mulder and Agent Dana Scully, after 10 years off the air.

Like Scully, the CIA takes a skeptical approach to these cases of unexplained phenomena.

The U.S. Air Force's UFO investigation program, called Project Blue Book, began operations in the 1940s, but was terminated just over 20 years later.

Now, the agency only pays 'peripheral attention' to UFO sightings, but is offering its expertise to help you continue the search.

'With over 20 years of investigations, from the late 1940s until Project Blue Book's termination in 1968, the CIA and USAF have learned a thing or two about how to investigate a UFO sighting,' the agency writes.

Much of the report comes accounts by Hector Quintanilla, the last chief officer of Project Blue Book.

Whether you're a believer or a skeptic, these 10 historically-supported tips from the CIA can help you add method your investigation, and distinguish between truth and hoax.

1. Establish a group to investigate and evaluate sightings


Agents Scully and Mulder are seen here in a still from season seven of The X-Files, which aired in May 2000

Without an organization, there are no standards by which to evaluate reports of UFOs and other unexplained phenomena, the CIA explains.

Establishing a group will allow for the unified collection of measurable data points, and results from controlled experiments.

2. Determine the objectives of your investigation

Project Blue Book operated under three main objectives: to determine the threat of UFOs to national security, to determine if UFO technology could be harnessed by US researchers, and to explain what caused a person to report such an incident.

For the CIA, the main concern centred on national security, and the potential for UFOs to be advanced Soviet weapons.

3. Consult with experts

In the Project Blue Book investigations, the teams often consulted with an advisory panel, along with astrophysicists, Federal Aviation officials, pilots, the US Weather Bureau, local weather stations, academics, the National Center for Atmospheric Research, NASA, Kodak (for photo analysis), and various laboratories, for physical specimens, the agency writes.


Flying saucer: This picture of an unexplained flying object was taken over Passoria, New Jersey in July 1952

4. Create a reporting system to organize incoming cases

The Air Force developed questionnaires to help narrow down the origins of reported UFOs.

They categorized sightings as: Astronomical, Aircraft, Balloons, Satellites, Other (including reflections, missiles, mirages, birds, and hoaxes), Insufficient Data, and 'Unidentified.'

The agency writes, 'According to Quintanilla, 'a sighting is considered unidentified when a report apparently contains all the data necessary to suggest a valid hypothesis, but its description cannot be correlated with any known object or phenomenon.'


A police officer stands near to his patrol car outside the town of Socorro, New Mexico where a flying saucer was spotted in 1964


Some of the pictures taken at the scene of an incident in Socorro, New Mexico, where a flying saucer was spotted in 1964. No explanation has been offered

5. Eliminate false positives

In order to focus on 'unexplained' cases, investigators should eliminate all known causes to rule out common explanations.

The CIA writes that misidentified aircraft, celestial events, mass hysteria and hallucination, hoaxes, publicity stunts, and misinterpretation of known objects can all be false positives in a UFO report.

6. Develop methodology to identify common aircraft and other aerial phenomena often mistaken for UFOs

Aircraft can be mistaken for a UFO, especially secret military craft. To determine if an alleged UFO sighting was actually a known craft, investigators wrote detailed descriptions of aircraft and astronomical phenomena.

7. Examine witness documentation

'Any photographs, videos, or audio recordings can be immensely helpful in evaluating a reported UFO sighting,' the agency writes.


Unexplained happenings: The CIA recently released files from its archives investigating reports of alien and UFO sightings. The organization said the declassified documents will interest both believers and skeptics

8. Conduct controlled experiments

Through a controlled experiment, scientists can try to replicate the conditions that created the unexplained event or sighting.

9. Gather and test physical and forensic evidence

Researchers can gather materials from the site and put them through lab analysis to determine the origins. In one historical case, soil was collected from the location of a sighting, revealing no extraterrestrial evidence.

10. Discourage false reporting

Education for the military, researchers, and the even public can help to reduce false-positive reports, the agency writes. If people are able to recognize 'unusually illuminated objects,' and natural phenomena in the sky, false reports can be quickly eliminated.



The CIA even tweeted a list of what to do in the event of sighting a possible UFO. It tagged The X-Files, Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny in the post (left). Some of the documents do not find an explanation for the reported UFO sightings, but also do not have evidence they happened in the first place


One of the documents among the CIA's 'X-Files' is from East Germany in 1952, where agents were called to investigate what witnesses described as a 'huge flying pan'.

The object was said to have a diameter of about 15 meters, according to the document.

Similar flying saucers were also spotted in North Africa and Spain, the report said.

'The picture [of the object] shows a diagonal stripe of diminishing width and lighter in shade than the sky over the dark bulk of a building cornice,' it was noted.

Included with some of the documents were three pictures of the alleged extraterrestrials.

One of the photos - taken by British student Alex Birch in 1962 - claimed to show a group of flying saucers flying over the city of Sheffield in the UK.

Also contained in the files is the case in Socorro, New Mexico in 1964, when police officer Lonnie Zamora spotted a large flame rise from the ground and pierce the sky above a remote patch of desert.

Upon investigation, he found a shiny object the size of a sedan perched on the hilltop, which was oval in shape and aluminium in color.

The object then began to rise into the air and then sped away from him over the mountains and disappeared.

An explanation for this case has never been determined.

This release coincides with the return of The X-Files and its beloved characters, Agent Fox Mulder and Agent Dana Scully, after 10 years off the air.

Like Scully, the CIA takes a skeptical approach to these cases of unexplained phenomena.


They're back: Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) and Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson) are drawn back into the world of the X-Files in this still from the new season of the show

Published by Associated Newspapers Ltd

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Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3423107/How-flying-saucer-CIA-reveals-carry-X-Files-investigation-unexplained-phenomenon.html#ixzz3yw6XMsl4
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Sunday, January 24, 2016

Dave Ramsey: Politicians aren't Jesus - Washington doesn't have the answer to your problems, you do.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Ninth planet may have been discovered, researchers say

Ninth planet may have been discovered, researchers say

By Amanda Watts, CNN

Updated 8:38 AM ET, Thu January 21, 2016

Planet Nine has an orbit that's "about 20 times farther from the sun" than Neptune
"We hope that other people are going to get inspired and start searching," researcher says

(CNN)You might have a replacement, Pluto. There could be another planet in our solar system.

Researchers at the California Institute of Technology have found evidence in the outer solar system of an object that could be a real ninth planet.

Nicknamed Planet Nine, it "has a mass about 10 times that of Earth and orbits about 20 times farther from the sun" than Neptune. That means "it would take this new planet between 10,000 and 20,000 years to make just one full orbit around the sun," according to Caltech.

Researchers Konstantin Batygin and Mike Brown haven't actually seen the planet, but other research helped lead them to conclude that there is one. Basically, they found that certain objects in the Kuiper Belt -- the field of icy objects and debris beyond Neptune -- had orbits that peculiarly pointed in the same direction.

Over time, mathematical modeling and computer simulation led them to the conclusion that a planet was exerting the gravity necessary to shape these orbits.

Brown says "there have only been two true planets discovered since ancient times, and this would be a third. It's a pretty substantial chunk of our solar system that's still out there to be found, which is pretty exciting."

Space anomaly remains mystery, likely not caused by comets

Already, Caltech is pretty confident Planet Nine is large enough to rule out any debate about whether it's a true planet -- unlike Pluto, which got the boot in 2006.

Space + Science

Brown, who played a role in Pluto's demotion to a dwarf planet, says "all those people who are mad that Pluto is no longer a planet can be thrilled to know that there is a real planet out there still to be found. Now we can go and find this planet and make the solar system have nine planets once again."

Depending on where Planet Nine is in its "bizarre, highly elongated orbit," many telescopes have a shot at finding it. Brown would love to find a planet he helped discover, "but I'd also be perfectly happy if someone else found it. That is why we're publishing this paper. We hope that other people are going to get inspired and start searching."

Willie Lynch Letter 1712

I found this disturbing text recently.  This man "Willie Lynch" is where the word "lynching" derives from.    He was brought in as a consultant to help the slave owners control their slaves.  
Be enlightened about the evils of this world.  We've come a long way, and in some ways, some of us are still slaves, and still the human species remains imperfectly violent.   May God bless the men that have lived, and died trying to make this planet a better place. /PM

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Full text of "willie lynch letter 1712"
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Page 1 of 4 The Willie Lynch Letter: The Making Of A Slave! This speech was delivered by Willie Lynch on the bank of the James River in the colony of Virginia in 1 712. Lynch was a British slave owner in the West Indies. He was invited to the colony of Virginia in 1712 to teach his methods to slave owners there. The term "lynching" is derived from his last name. December 25, 1712 Gentlemen: I greet you here on the bank of the James River in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and twelve. First, I shall thank you, the gentlemen of the Colony of Virginia, for bringing me here. 

I am here to help you solve some of your problems with slaves. Your invitation reached me on my modest plantation in the West Indies, where I have experimented with some of the newest and still the oldest methods for control of slaves. Ancient Rome's would envy us if my program is implemented. As our boat sailed south on the James River, named for our illustrious King, whose version of the Bible we cherish, I saw enough to know that your problem is not unique. While Rome used cords of wood as crosses for standing human bodies along its highways in great numbers, you are here using the tree and the rope on occasions. 

I caught the whiff of a dead slave hanging from a tree, a couple miles back. You are not only losing valuable stock by hangings, you are having uprisings, slaves are running away, your crops are sometimes left in the fields too long for maximum profit, You suffer occasional fires, your animals are killed. Gentlemen, you know what your problems are; I do not need to elaborate. I am not here to enumerate your problems, I am here to introduce you to a method of solving them. 

In my bag here, I have a foolproof method for controlling your black slaves. I guarantee every one of you that if installed correctly it will control the slaves for at least 300 years [201 2]. My method is simple. Any member of your family or your overseer can use it. I have outlined a number of differences among the slaves and make the differences bigger. I use fear, distrust and envy for control. These methods have worked on my modest plantation in the West Indies and it will work throughout the South. 

Take this simple little list of differences and think about them. On top of my list is "age" but it's there only because it starts with an "A." The second is "COLOR" or shade, there is intelligence, size, sex, size of plantations and status on plantations, attitude of owners, whether the slaves live in the valley, on a hill, East, West, North, South, have fine hair, course hair, or is tall or short. Now that you have a list of differences, I shall give you an outline of action, but before that, I shall assure you that distrust is stronger than trust and envy stronger than adulation, respect or admiration. 

The Black slaves after receiving this indoctrination shall carry on and will become self refueling and self generating for hundreds of years, maybe thousands. Don't forget you must pitch the old black Male vs. the young black Male, and the young black Male against the old black male. You must use the dark skin slaves vs. the light skin slaves, and the light skin slaves vs. the dark skin slaves. You must use the female vs. the male. And the male vs. the female. You must also have you white servants and overseers distrust all Blacks. It is necessary that your slaves trust and depend on us. They must love, respect and trust only us. 

Gentlemen, these kits are your keys to control. Use them. Have your wives and children use them, never miss an opportunity. If used intensely for one year, the slaves themselves will remain perpetually distrustful of each other. 

 Thank you gentlemen.

 Lets Make a Slave 

 It was the interest and business of slave holders to study human nature, and the slave nature in particular, with a view to practical results. I and many of them attained astonishing proficiency in this direction. They had to deal not with earth, wood and stone, but with men and by every regard they had for their own safety and prosperity they needed to know the material on which they were to work. Conscious of the injustice and wrong they were every hour perpetuating and knowing what they themselves would do. Were they the victims of such wrongs? They were constantly looking for the first signs of the dreaded retribution. 

They watched, therefore with skilled and practiced eyes, and learned to read with great accuracy, the state of mind and heart of the slave, through his sable face. Unusual sobriety, apparent abstractions, sullenness and indifference indeed, any mood out of the common was afforded ground for suspicion and inquiry. Let us make a slave. 

What do we need? First of all we need a black nigger man, a pregnant nigger woman and her baby nigger boy. Second, we will use the same basic principle that we use in breaking a horse, combined with some more sustaining factors. What we do with horses is that we break them from one form of life to another that is we reduce them from their natural state in nature. Whereas nature provides them with the natural capacity to take care of their offspring, we break that natural string of independence from them and thereby create a dependency status, so that we may be able to get from them useful production for our business and pleasure.   

Cardinal Principles for making a Negro For fear that our future Generations may not understand the principles of breaking both of the beast together, the nigger and the horse. We understand that short range planning economics results in periodic economic chaos; so that to avoid turmoil in the economy, it requires us to have breath and depth in long range comprehensive planning, articulating both skill sharp perceptions. We lay down the following principles for long range comprehensive economic planning. Both horse and niggers is no good to the economy in the wild or natural state. Both must be broken and tied together for orderly production. 

For orderly future, special and particular attention must be paid to the female and the youngest offspring. Both must be crossbred to produce a variety and division of labor. Both must be taught to respond to a peculiar new language. Psychological and physical instruction of containment must be created for both. We hold the six cardinal principles as truth to be self evident, based upon the following the discourse concerning the economics of breaking and tying the horse and the nigger together, all inclusive of the six principles laid down about. NOTE: Neither principle alone will suffice for good economics. 

All principles must be employed for orderly good of the nation. Accordingly, both a wild horse and a wild or nature nigger is dangerous even if captured, for they will have the tendency to seek their customary freedom, and in doing so, might kill you in your sleep. You cannot rest. They sleep while you are awake, and are awake while you are asleep. They are dangerous near the family house and it requires too much labor to watch them away from the house. Above all, you cannot get them to work in this natural state. Hence both the horse and the nigger must be broken; that is breaking them from one form of mental life to another. Keep the body take the mind! In other words break the will to resist. Now the breaking process is the same for both the horse and the nigger, only slightly varying in degrees. But as we said before, there is an art in long range economic planning. You must keep your eye and thoughts on the female and the offspring of the horse and the nigger.

A brief discourse in offspring development will shed light on the key to sound economic principles. Pay little attention to the generation of original breaking, but concentrate on future generations. Therefore, if you break the female mother, she will break the offspring in its early years of development and when the offspring is old enough to work, she will deliver it up to you, for her normal female protective tendencies will have been lost in the original breaking process. For example take the case of the wild stud horse, a female horse and an already infant horse and compare the breaking process with two captured nigger males in their natural state, a pregnant nigger woman with her infant offspring. Take the stud horse, break him for limited containment. Completely break the female horse until she becomes very gentle, whereas you or anybody can ride her in her comfort. Breed the mare and the stud until you have the desired offspring. Then you can turn the stud to freedom until you need him again. 

Train the female horse where by she will eat out of your hand, and she will in turn train the infant horse to eat out of your hand also. When it comes to breaking the uncivilized nigger, use the same process, but vary the degree and step up the pressure, so as to do a complete reversal of the mind. Take the meanest and most restless nigger, strip him of his clothes in front of the remaining male niggers, the female, and the nigger infant, tar and feather him, tie each leg to a different horse faced in opposite directions, set him a fire and beat both horses to pull him apart in front of the remaining nigger. The next step is to take a bull whip and beat the remaining nigger male to the point of death, in front of the female and the infant. Don't kill him, but put the fear of God in him, for he can be useful for future breeding. 

 The Breaking Process of the African Woman Take the female and run a series of tests on her to see if she will submit to your desires willingly. Test her in every way, because she is the most important factor for good economics. If she shows any sign of resistance in submitting completely to your will, do not hesitate to use the bull whip on her to extract that last bit of resistance out of her. Take care not to kill her, for in doing so, you spoil good economic. When in complete submission, she will train her off springs in the early years to submit to labor when the become of age. Understanding is the best thing. Therefore, we shall go deeper into this area of the subject matter concerning what we have produced here in this breaking process of the female nigger. We have reversed the relationship in her natural uncivilized state she would have a strong dependency on the uncivilized nigger male, and she would have a limited protective tendency toward her independent male offspring and would raise male off springs to be dependent like her. 

Nature had provided for this type of balance. We reversed nature by burning and pulling a civilized nigger apart and bull whipping the other to the point of death, all in her presence. By her being left alone, unprotected, with the male image destroyed, the ordeal caused her to move from her psychological dependent state to a frozen independent state. In this frozen psychological state of independence, she will raise her male and female offspring in reversed roles. For fear of the young males life she will psychologically train him to be mentally weak and dependent, but physically strong. Because she has become psychologically independent, she will train her female off springs to be psychological independent. What have you got? You've got the nigger women out front and the nigger man behind and scared. 

This is a perfect situation of sound sleep and economic. Before the breaking process, we had to be alertly on guard at all times. It is never to late to get up off of your knees and fight for out of frozen fear his woman stands guard for us. He cannot get past her early slave molding process. He is a good tool, now ready to be tied to the horse at a tender age. By the time a nigger boy reaches the age of sixteen, he is soundly broken in and ready for a long life of sound and efficient work and the reproduction of a unit of good labor force. Continually through the breaking of uncivilized savage nigger, by throwing the nigger female savage into a frozen psychological state of independence, by killing of the protective male image, and by creating a submissive dependent mind of the nigger male slave, we have created an orbiting cycle that turns on its own axis forever, unless a phenomenon occurs and re shifts the position of the male and female slaves. 

We show what we mean by example. Take the case of the two economic slave units and examine them closely. The Nigger Marriage We breed two nigger males with two nigger females. Then we take the nigger males away from them and keep them moving and working. Say one nigger female bears a nigger female and the other bears a nigger male. Both nigger females being without influence of the nigger male image, frozen with an independent psychology, will raise their offspring into reverse positions. The one with the female offspring will teach her to be like herself, independent and negotiable (we negotiate with her, through her, by her, we negotiate her at will). The one with the nigger male offspring, she being frozen with a subconscious fear for his life, will raise him to be mentally dependent and weak, but physically strong, in other words, body over mind. Now in a few years when these two offspring's become fertile for early reproduction we will mate and breed them and continue the cycle. That is good, sound, and long range comprehensive planning. 

 Warning: Possible Interloping Negatives Earlier we talked about the non economic good of the horse and the nigger in their wild or natural state; we talked out the principle of breaking and tying them together for orderly production. Furthermore, we talked about paying particular attention to the female savage and her offspring for orderly future planning, then more recently we stated that, by reversing the positions of the male and female savages, we created an orbiting cycle that turns on its own axis forever unless a phenomenon occurred and resift and positions of the male and female savages. Our experts warned us about the possibility of this phenomenon occurring, for they say that the mind has a strong drive to correct and re-correct itself over a period of time if I can touch some substantial original historical base, and they advised us that the best way to deal with the phenomenon is to shave off the brute's mental history and create a multiplicity of phenomena of illusions, so that each illusion will twirl in its own orbit, something similar to floating balls in a vacuum. 

 This creation of multiplicity of phenomena of illusions entails the principle of crossbreeding the nigger and the horse as we stated above, the purpose of which is to create a diversified division of labor thereby creating different levels of labor and different values of illusion at each connecting level of labor. The results of which is the severance of the points of original beginnings for each sphere illusion. Since we feel that the subject matter may get more complicated as we proceed in laying down our economic plan concerning the purpose, reason and effect of crossbreeding horses and nigger, we shall lay down the following definition terms for future generations. Orbiting cycle means a thing turning in a given path. Axis means upon which or around which a body turns. Phenomenon means something beyond ordinary conception and inspires awe and wonder. 

Multiplicity means a great number. Sphere means a globe. Cross breeding a horse means taking a horse and breeding it with an ass and you get a dumb backward ass long headed mule that is not reproductive nor productive by itself. Crossbreeding niggers mean taking so many drops of good white blood and putting them into as many nigger women as possible, varying the drops by the various tone that you want, and then letting them breed with each other until another cycle of color appears as you desire. What this means is this; Put the niggers and the horse in a breeding pot, mix some assess and some good white blood and what do you get? You got a multiplicity of colors of ass backward, unusual niggers, running, tied to a backward ass long headed mule, the one productive of itself, the other sterile. (The one constant, the other dying, we keep the nigger constant for we may replace the mules for another tool) both mule and nigger tied to each other, neither knowing where the other came from and neither productive for itself, nor without each other. Control the Language Crossbreeding completed, for further severance from their original beginning, we must completely annihilate the mother tongue of both the new nigger and the new mule and institute a new language that involves the new life's work of both. 

 You know language is a peculiar institution. It leads to the heart of a people. The more a foreigner knows about the language of another country the more he is able to move through all levels of that society. Therefore, if the foreigner is an enemy of the country, to the extent that he knows the body of the language, to that extent is the country vulnerable to attack or invasion of a foreign culture. For example, if you take a slave, if you teach him all about your language, he will know all your secrets, and he is then no more a slave, for you can't fool him any longer. For example, if you told a slave that he must perform in getting out "our crops" and he knows the language well, he would know that "our crops" didn't mean "our crops" and the slavery system would break down, for he would relate on the basis of what "our crops" really meant. So you have to be careful in setting up the new language for the slaves would soon be in your house, talking to you "man to man" and that is death to our economic system. 

In addition, the definitions of words or terms are only a minute part of the process. Values are created and transported by communication through the body of the language. A total society has many interconnected value system. All the values in the society have bridges of language to connect them for orderly working in the society. But for these language bridges, these many value systems would sharply clash and cause internal strife or civil war, the degree of the conflict being determined by the magnitude of the issues or relative opposing strength in whatever form. For example, if you put a slave in a hog pen and train him to live there and incorporate in him to value it as a way of life completely, the biggest problem you would have out of him is that he would worry you about provisions to keep the hog pen clean, or the same hog pen and make a slip and incorporate something in his language where by he comes to value a house more than he does his hog pen, you got a problem. He will soon be in your house. 

Saturday, January 16, 2016

The Known Universe

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Scientific study claims: Human DNA carries a message from Extraterrestrials

Scientific study claims: Human DNA carries a message from Extraterrestrials

Posted on Dec 22nd, 2015

Universe Explorers

According to scientists from Kazakhstan, the human DNA was encoded with an extraterrestrial signal by an advanced ancient alien civilization in the distant past.

In a study called “The “Wow! signal” of the terrestrial genetic code“, researchers Vladimir I. shCherbak and Maxim A. Makukov from the a Department of Mathematics, al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan and the Fesenkov Astrophysical Institute, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan respectively believe in the existence of a “Biological SETI” as they are calling it, which is a mathematical code located within the human DNA, something that cannot be explained by the process of evolution as traditional theories claim.

And all of a sudden the Ancient Astronaut theory and the idea that humans are in fact an engineered species doesn’t sound as provocative as it did in the past. Ancient Texts mention how humans were created in the image of the “Gods”, now science is a step closer to proving it.

According to writing in the Journal Icarus, the duo states: “Once fixed, the code might stay unchanged over cosmological timescales; in fact, it is the most durable construct known. Therefore it represents an exceptionally reliable storage for an intelligent signature. Once the genome is appropriately rewritten the new code with a signature will stay frozen in the cell and its progeny, which might then be delivered through space and time.” The theory presented by the two scientists suggests the human DNA is structured so precisely that it reveals an “ensemble of arithmetical and ideographical patterns of symbolic language”.

The above mentioned study has led other researchers to suggest that humans were in fact engineered or designed outside of our solar system by our creators several billion years ago, a suggestions that goes hand to hand with numerous ancient texts that speak about the creation of mankind and the creator ‘gods’.

However, this also supports the hypothesis that life on Earth is in fact the result of interstellar life being distributed across the cosmos by asteroids and comets, which act as transporting devices which seed life onto certain planets.

shCherbak and Makukov argue that their detailed analysis of the human genome shows a previously ignored precision-type orderliness in the mapping between the DNA’s nucleotides and amino acids.

In the study, shCherbak and Makukov state that: “Simple arrangements of the code reveal an ensemble of arithmetical and ideographical patterns of symbolic language.” They say this includes the use of decimal notation, logical transformations, and the use of the abstract symbol of zero. “Accurate and systematic, these underlying patterns appear as a product of precision logic and nontrivial computing,”
Two versions of the code

In the study shCherbak and Makukov state there are versions of the code: “The nearly symmetric code version with arithmetical patterns acts as the universal standard code. With this code at hand it is intuitively easy to infer the symmetric version with its ideography. Vice versa, if the symmetric version were the universal one, it would be hardly possible to infer the nearly symmetric code with all its arithmetical patterns. Therefore, with the standard version alone it is possible to “receive” both arithmetical and ideographical components of the signal, even if the symmetric version was not found in nature. There are two possible reasons why it is actually found in euplotid ciliates: either originally when Earth was seeded there were both versions of the code with one of them remaining currently in euplotid ciliates, or originally there was only the standard version, and later casual modification in euplotid lineage coincided with the symmetric version. What concerns other known rare versions of the code, they seem neither to have profound pattern ensembles, nor to be easily inferable from the standard code. As commonly accepted, they represent later casual deviations of the standard code caused by ambiguous intermediates or codon captures (Moura et al., 2010).” (source)

What theory sounds more plausible in this case? A Religious view, suggesting that a higher entity called God Created the universe and life as we know it on Earth, or that perhaps somewhere out there, in the distant corners of the universe, intelligent beings inhabit the cosmos, these beings manipulated our DNA and created mankind, perhaps in ‘their image’ as some ancient texts suggest?

While panspermia could have occurred naturally in the universe, seeding life on planets and moons, it is plausible to think about life on Earth and how it might have bee created by far more intelligent species with the ability to ‘create life’.

Source and reference – Source and reference

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Ivan has been part of the team at Universe Explorers since February 2015.He is a freelance writer, editor-in-chief of ancient-code.com He also writes for Svemir Online and Ancient Origins.History, Archaeology, Space and world’s mysteries are some of the topics he writes about.You can follow Ivan...

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