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Thursday, August 25, 2005

GOP Fears Gas Price Anger May Spill Over

WASHINGTON — As consumers feel pain at the pump, record high gas prices are registering as a political problem with congressional Republicans.

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Comment by Pete: Yes they should be worried because the general perception is that they are not doing anything about it. And what can they do now? We have been caught with our pants down once again like a bunch of gas junkies waiting for our fix. Even though there are some promising technologies for the future, in the short term we are pretty much screwed and tattooed. I think this country should have started a Manhattan like project to ween ourselves from dependence on foreing oil 20 years ago. If we start one now, it may be 10 years before we start seeing the results. There will not be the immediate gratification we are used too. With gas nearly at $3.00 per gal. we are at a crossroads and something needs to be done. The politicians need to do more than just pay lip service to the problem, get out of the pockets of the oil companies and encourage the entrepreneurial engine that put men on the moon to finally solve the energy problem.

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