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Sunday, November 13, 2005

Doing business with Cuba seminar scheduled

Note: sadly, it's all about the money . . . spotted this today on the wires...

Nov 9, 2005 8:59 AM

"During a panel discussion, those of us who have done business with Cuba will offer our experiences in exporting and allow for questions from the audience,” said Rodney Mosier, executive vice president of the Texas Wheat Producers Board.

Did you know that trade with Cuba is legal? You can legally export products to Cuba and get paid in advance through a program supported by the U.S. Government.

A seminar has been developed to help people learn more about doing business with Cuba. The seminar will be held, Tuesday, Nov. 29, from 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. at the Amarillo Civic Center Grand Plaza in conjunction with the Amarillo Farm and Ranch Show. It will provide comprehensive information about trading with Cuba, including the process, realistic expectations, important contacts and the necessary licenses.

“The seminar will focus on the potential of the Cuban market and how to conduct business with Cuba. During a panel discussion, those of us who have done business with Cuba will offer our experiences in exporting and allow for questions from the audience,” said Rodney Mosier, executive vice president of the Texas Wheat Producers Board.

There is no charge to attend the seminar thanks to the following sponsors: WTAMU Small Business Development Center, Texas-Cuba Trade Alliance, Texas Sorghum Producers, Texas Corn Growers and the Texas Wheat Producers Board.

“We encourage anyone who is involved in the manufacturing or marketing of the products that may legally be sold to Cuba to attend and find out more,” said Mosier. Legal exports to Cuba include: agricultural products, food, live animals, wood products and medical supplies.

The presenters for the seminar are: Jaime Malaga, Dept. of Agricultural & Applied Economics, Texas Tech University, Cynthia Thomas, president of TriDimension Strategies, L.L.C. and Wayne Cleveland, executive director, Texas Sorghum Producers.

For more information, call 806-372-5151 or visit www.SmallBusinessDevelopmentCenter.com

Sent by Sr.Cohiba

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