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Tuesday, October 31, 2006

New York Honors Fidel Castro With Statue ...

New York will honor Fidel Castro with a massive monument in Central Park to be unveiled November 8th. "The portrait celebrates Castro's humanitarianism," gushes David Kesting, the spokesman for the statue's sculptor. "Inspiration for the gilded head of Castro, large enough to belong to a 25 foot man, comes from Harlem's acclamation for Castro's contributions to civil rights," reads a wire story. "This may be the last opportunity to say farewell" to the man some revere as a champion of civil rights ... The Central Park unveiling of his portrait is an attempt to bring Harlem's adoration for Castro to the rest of the world."

By Humberto Fontova

[Read Full Article]

Monday, October 30, 2006

Beware Of New “Mortgage Elimination” Scam

The booming real estate market has allowed many Americans to become “equity rich.” They may not have a lot of cash on hand, but they might have equity in their homes worth several hundred thousand dollars or more. Unfortunately, this increase in home wealth has spawned an equally booming business in equity theft, as more and more thieves find increasingly clever ways to con homeowners out of their equity, their homes, or both.


Sunday, October 29, 2006

Venezuela expects to launch two satellites into orbit between 2008 and 2011..

Barbados Advocate (Janelle Husbands): Between 2008 and 2011, Venezuela expects to launch two satellites into orbit, significantly enhancing telecommunications in the Caribbean and at the same time improving how weather systems are monitored in the region.


More Venezuela Headlines:

Elio Cequea- The myth of the Venezuelan “dictator” Hugo Chavez Frias

President Chavez finances enemies via Venezuelan Information Office

Rosales sets targets for his first sixty days in government ... debit card tops list

Opposition's Manuel Rosales presents plan of government ... new, fresh

New Photos Show Fidel Castro Standing, Talking...

HAVANA Oct 29, 2006 (AP)— Photographs of Fidel Castro standing and talking on the phone were published Sunday in Cuba's state-run media, a day after the ailing leader appeared in a video to dispel rumors he was on his deathbed.

The Communist Youth newspaper Juventud Rebelde dedicated its front page to the Cuban president, printing a blown-up picture of a pensive Castro with the title "Always fighting for something, and fighting with optimism!"

[Read More]

More Cuba Headlines:

New Photos Show Castro Standing, Talking

Ailing Castro makes rare appearance

BRIEFS- Castro appears on TV, defying death rumors

On TV, Castro Scoffs at Death Rumors

Fidel Castro appears on TV, ridiculing rumors of his death

Castro to world- I'm not dead

Fidel Castro ridicules rumors of his demise

New video of Fidel Castro surfaces

Recovering Castro Pokes Fun at Death Reports

Cuban TV shows images of Fidel Castro walking

Cuba subject of federal lawsuit

Man extradited in theft of plane flown to Cuba

Cuba boy has can-do attitude

Man Indicted For Stealing Plane, Flying To Cuba

Cubans in Congress

Lawsuit challenges state ban on travel to Cuba

U.S. Investigates Voting Machines’ Venezuela Ties


The federal government is investigating the takeover last year of a leading American manufacturer of electronic voting systems by a small software company that has been linked to the leftist Venezuelan government of President Hugo Chávez.



Israel's AG urges president to step aside

Gulf War Games Target Nuclear Smuggling

Nigerian Plane With 100 Aboard Crashes, 6 Reportedly Live

U.S. Forces Kill 17 Suspected Insurgents in Iraq

Gunmen fire on Iraqi PM's convoy

Even in death, Franco has the power to divide Spaniards

Iraqi premier makes his case to Bush

Partisan rhetoric even in wartime sets Bush apart

U.S. Investigates Voting Machines' Venezuela Ties

Rights Group Criticizes Afghan Tactics

Iraqis See the Little Things Fade Away in War's Gloom

Taliban plan to throttle Kabul

Congress battle sinks into the dirt

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Celebs Who Claim They're Green but Guzzle Gas...

Hybrid cars are all the rage in Hollywood. Celebrities drive them like they're a badge of honor. You save a few gallons of gas, you save the planet. Right? Well, not when you hop on a private jet and burn enough fuel to propel NASCAR through 2050.

[Read More]

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Hacker targets iPod, iTunes restrictions...

SAN JOSE, Calif. - A hacker known for cracking the copy-protection technology in DVDs claims to have unlocked the playback restrictions of Apple Computer Inc.'s iPod and iTunes music products and plans to license his code to others.

The move by Jon Lech Johansen, also known as "DVD Jon," could pit the 22-year-old against Apple's lawyers, experts say, but if successful could free users from some restrictions Apple and its rivals place on digital music.



Drug raid yields Los Alamos documents

Hacker targets iPod

Living beyond means

Scientists test dissolving heart stent

Countrywide laying off more than 2,500 employees

Study- Vegetables may keep brains young

Stoic or just lucky- Gene affects pain- study

U.S. says more GIs may be needed in Iraq

West wants Iran technology sales banned

China says N. Korea not planning test

Small quakes reported near Old Faithful

OU study- Statins may slow lung damage

Inconvenient truths

Britain is turning on the U.S. - at its own peril

Obama needs to slow bandwagon

As China pressures N. Korea, will Putin face down Iran-

CITGO to launch a new ad campaign this month to "set the record straight"

Media Post (Emily Burg): Venezuelan state-owned CITGO Petroleum will launch a new ad campaign this month to "set the record straight" about its political affiliations and commitment to doing business in the US.

The effort is designed to counteract a wave of negative publicity in the wake of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez' anti-American remarks at the UN last month.



Venezuela's Chavez Suffers International Setbacks

Venezuela hit by Coke dispute

Ex-Workers Block Venezuela Coke Plants

Venezuelan puts pipe-bombs outside U.S. Embassy

Student detained in U.S. Embassy scare in Venezuela

Manuel Rosales challenges Chavez Frias to TV electoral debate at any venue

Venezuela must stop issuing cedulas, visas to the world's biggest terrorists...

Venezuela makes second 50,000 bpd cut in oil production after cut October 1

CITGO to launch a new ad campaign this month to "set the record straight"

Chavez' Message of Love gets the thumbs up in poll ...77% like it

US Congress tries to connect Venezuela with supposed Pakistani terrorists

Cuba News...

Civil rights of blacks in Cuba discussed

Roll up for Cuba's finest - only 233 a smoke

Cuba ponders how to fix socialist economy

Boat Carrying 14 Cubans Intercepted Off Miami Beach

Remember Global Cooling?

By Jerry Adler
Updated: 5:41 p.m. ET Oct 23, 2006
Oct. 23, 2006 - In April, 1975, in an issue mostly taken up with stories about the collapse of the American-backed government of South Vietnam, NEWSWEEK published a small back-page article about a very different kind of disaster. Citing "ominous signs that the earth's weather patterns have begun to change dramatically," the magazine warned of an impending "drastic decline in food production." Political disruptions stemming from food shortages could affect "just about every nation on earth." Scientists urged governments to consider emergency action to head off the terrible threat of . . . well, if you had been following the climate-change debates at the time, you'd have known that the threat was: global cooling.

[Read More]


Gore motorcade to global warming event- 3 motorcycles, 2 limousines and a DODGE truck!

China Denies Reports of N. Korea Apology...

Iran warns Muslims about U.S., Israeli 'plots'...

GROUP- Humans living far beyond planet's means...

Commander sets 12-18 month timeframe for Iraq...

Moderate Earthquake Strikes Turkey

Missile 'fired at French plane in Chad'

Iran could have nuclear bomb by 2015- Germany

US- success in Iraq 'possible'

On the road with the Taleban

Bond Traders Lose 1 Million Incomes as Transparency Cuts Wall Street Jobs

Student admits plane bomb hoax

Rumsfeld urged to alter Afghan drug trade policy

Old rivals unite in new Nicaragua

Iraq urges coalition not to panic, run

China sees religion as stabilizing force (Joe McDonald)

Northern Ireland holds Iraq lessons (Rowan Scarborough)

Monday, October 23, 2006


Men who use mobile phones could be risking their fertility, warn researchers.

A new study shows a worrying link between poor sperm and the number of hours a day that a man uses his mobile phone.

Those who made calls on a mobile phone for more than four hours a day had the worst sperm counts and the poorest quality sperm, according to results released yest at the American Society for Reproductive Medicine annual meeting in New Orleans.

Doctors believe the damage could be caused by the electromagnetic radiation emitted by handsets or the heat they generate.

[Read More]


UPDATE- FORD posts biggest loss in 14 years...

White House Drops 'Stay the Course' on Iraq to Emphasize Flexibility...

Republican Senator Says Iraq Near Chaos...

Chicago Voter Database Hacked...

Daschle Predicts that Dems will Pick Up 7 Senate Seats; Take Congress...

STOCKS SOAR- Dow Reaches New High...

Bush to Trumpet Strength of the Economy...

Murtha- 'The House of Representatives is going to turn Democratic, big time'...

Ideals incubate on the Internet

Stay sharp- Eat a cup of vegetables a day

About 1,680 Pounds of Ground Beef Recalled in E. Coli Scare

Magnitude 6.8 Earthquake Strikes Off Coast of Japan

U.S. has milestones, not ultimatums, for Iraq

Cosmic rays linked to global warming

Diebold election software disks turn up in ex-lawmaker's office

Diebold e-voting source code leaked again

Cathode-Ray-Tube TV Format Dying Slow, Quiet Death

Health agency plans massive data warehouse

IBM Sues Amazon for Violating 18-Year-Old Patents

AOL to Sell Paramount Movies Via Download

The Future Of Outsourcing

Stem cells might cause brain tumors, study finds...

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Injecting human embryonic stem cells into the brains of Parkinson's disease patients may cause tumors to form, U.S. researchers reported on Sunday.

Steven Goldman and colleagues at the University of Rochester Medical Center in New York said human stem cells injected into rat brains turned into cells that looked like early tumors.

[Read More]

Goodwill painting fetches $165,000...

The painting dropped off at Goodwill by an anonymous donor sold for $165,002 Thursday during an auction on the organization's Web site. (AP Photo/Goodwill Industries of the Columbia-Willamette)

[Read More]...


Troops to remain in Iraq, Bush says

Study suggests breast cancer different in blacks

Panama backs ambitious canal expansion plan in vote

A Shorter Path to Citizenship, but Not for All

Cost of Hawaii quake damage soaring

Iraq given 12 months for handover

French Police Face Attacks by Growing 'Intifada'

How U.S. wealth and work add up

Wal-Mart Bids 1B For Chinese Chain

U.S. gasoline prices dip to $2.20 a gallon...

Bush chides father for election remarks...

Obama Says He's Weighing 2008 Run...

MAG- What the Dems Would Do If They Win...

U.S. Sees Deadliest Month of '06 in Iraq...

3 die in Israel after flu shots; vaccinations suspended...

AP- Democrats Leading Many Pivotal Races...

UPDATE- Edwards Takes Heat Over Words About Hillary...


Venezuelans can indulge in SUVs

Chavez- Venezuela achieves objective against U.S. in UN

OPEC agrees 1 mln bpd output cut- Venezuela

Chavez claims victory of sorts at U.N.

Alaskans get power bill aid, Chavez bashing

Thursday, October 19, 2006


Israeli PM Olmert Warns Iran Over Nuke Program

Israel Warns of Gaza 'Invasion' to Stop Hamas Attacks

Dollar Heading for Weekly Decline on Evidence Economic Growth Is Slowing

Red Cross lambasts US terror law

White House- Partitioning Iraq a 'nonstarter'

Top Chinese envoy meets with Kim

Virtual colonoscopy accurate and 'less invasive'

Lieberman seen set to win re-election (Eric Pfeiffer)

U.S. reviews Baghdad strategy as troop deaths mount

Venezuela News...

Chavez Risks 1.6 Billion Bond Default by Seizing Venezuelan Oil Ventures

US stops Venezuela planes deal

Venezuela may buy Russian transport planes

Venezuela Should Do Honorable Thing' and End Bid for UN Seat, Bolton Says

Venezuelan president vows no surrender in battle for Security Council seat

The insider's guide to Hugo Chavez


Utility workers find remains at WTC site

Troops' debt a growing security concern

Rice- Won't coerce allies on N. Korea

Scientists create cloak of invisibility

Google's 3Q profit nearly doubles

Football stadium threat a hoax, FBI says

Dow gains 19, reaches 12,000 milestone

U.S. to rethink Baghdad peace efforts

Gay Republicans fight perceived oxymoron

OPEC cuts oil production by 1.2M barrels

U.N.- Number of ocean 'dead zones' rise

Scientists- Ozone hole size sets record

Greenland ice sheet 'shrinking fast'...

Wal-Mart expands low-cost drug program

As Iraq violence worsens, are U.S. aims an illusion-

Universal health care- We can't afford not to

Miami vice

SKorean scientists say cancer-killing virus developed...

Bush space policy puts priority on defense- report

WASHINGTON (Reuters) -President Bush has signed a newly revised space policy that sets defense as a priority and rejects future negotiations that might limit U.S. flexibility in space, The Washington Post reported on Wednesday.

The document, released earlier this month with no public announcement, emphasizes security issues, the newspaper reported.

Bush's top goals, as stated in the document, are to "strengthen the nation's space leadership and ensure that space capabilities are available in time to further U.S. national security, homeland security, and foreign policy objectives" and to "enable unhindered U.S. operation in and through space to defend our interest there," the newspaper reported.

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Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Texas Sheriffs Say Terrorists Entering US from Mexico...

(CNSNews.com) - The chief law enforcement officers of several Texas counties along the southern U.S. border warn that Arabic-speaking individuals are learning Spanish and integrating into Mexican culture before paying smugglers to sneak them into the United States. The Texas Sheriffs' Border Coalition believes those individuals are likely terrorists and that drug cartels and some members of the Mexican military are helping them get across the border.


Texas lawmaker outlines intensifying border problems

The Subcommittee on Investigations of the Committee on Homeland Security issues interim report-[PDF]

North Korea prepares for 2nd nuclear test...

South Korea has detected signs North Korea may be preparing to conduct a second nuclear explosion, after a report said U.S. satellites picked up activity at the site of the country's first test last week.

The South Korean government is aware of the indications of activity, a government official who declined to be identified said today by phone in Seoul when asked about the report from Washington by ABC News.

United Nations Security Council 1718, approved on Oct. 14, demands North Korea refrain from carrying out another nuclear test and return to six-nation talks on ending its atomic weapons program. The U.S. yesterday confirmed the detonation last week was nuclear.

U.S. spy satellites picked up vehicle movements close to the site of North Korea 's nuclear test last week, a sign Kim Jong Il's government may be preparing a second underground blast, ABC reported, citing unidentified U.S. intelligence officials.

[Read more]

Friday, October 13, 2006

North Korea might now have The Bomb, but it doesn't have much electricity

The regime in the north is so short of electricity that the whole country is switched off at 9 p.m. - apart from the capital of Pyongyang where dictator Kim Jong-il and his cohorts live in relative luxury. But even there, lighting is drastically reduced.

The result, as shown in this picture taken one night earlier this week, is a startling contrast between the blacked-out north and the south, which is ablaze with light, particularly around major cities and the capital, Seoul, in the north-west of the country.

Mr Rumsfeld showed the picture to illustrate how backward the northern regime really is - and how oppressed its people are. Without electricity there can be none of the appliances that make life easy and that we take for granted, he said.

"Except for my wife and family, that is my favourite photo," said Mr Rumsfeld.

"It says it all. There's the south, the same people as the north, the same resources north and south, and the big difference is in the south it's a free political system and a free economic system.

"The people in the north are starving, their growth is stunted. It's a shame, a tragedy."

An aide added: "This oppressive regime is too busy trying to make war to make life comfortable for its people."

[Read More]

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

At Rush Limbaugh's Website...

Detailed Timeline of Clinton's North Korea's Failures (PDF)

The Path to October 8th

Path to 8/10 Timeline

Hillary's Pathetic Defense: It's All Bush's Fault

What We Could Do About North Korea ...

If Presisent Limbaugh was in office...

U.S. doubts Korean test was nuclear...

By: Bill Gertz

U.S. intelligence agencies say, based on preliminary indications, that North Korea did not produce its first nuclear blast yesterday.

U.S. officials, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said that seismic readings show that the conventional high explosives used to create a chain reaction in a plutonium-based device went off, but that the blast's readings were shy of a typical nuclear detonation.

"We're still evaluating the data, and as more data comes in, we hope to develop a clearer picture," said one official familiar with intelligence reports.
"There was a seismic event that registered about 4 on the Richter scale, but it still isn't clear if it was a nuclear test. You can get that kind of seismic reading from high explosives."

The underground explosion, which Pyongyang dubbed a historic nuclear test, is thought to have been the equivalent of several hundred tons of TNT, far short of the several thousand tons of TNT, or kilotons, that are signs of a nuclear blast, the official said.

[Read More]

Monday, October 09, 2006


U.N. weighs sanctions against N. Korea (AP)

Democrats assail Bush's N. Korea policy (AP)

Baker panel preparing Iraq alternatives (AP)

South Korean nominated as U.N. secretary-general (Reuters)

Dollar Climbs to 8-Month High on Safe-Haven Flows Amid North Korea Tension

Condemnation swift, but options are limited

F.B.I. Struggling to Reinvent Itself to Fight Terror

Iraqi Vice President's Brother Killed by Gunmen

Witness- Saddam guards buried people alive

Text of U.S. Draft on N. Korea's Test



Bush- World Leaders United Over N. Korea

WHO- TB Poses Greatest Threat to Europe

Food chain is vulnerable to outbreaks

Documents show Cuban exile warned CIA of airliner plot

Who's Running Cuba-

Chavez's cheap oil valued over politics for some Americans

Some Poor Alaska Villages Reject Chavez Oil Out of Patriotis

Chavez to run for re-election

World condemns NKorea's nuclear test

Venezuela condemns all nuclear tests after North Korea claim of ...

Manuel Rosales strikes thrice against Hugo Chavez

Striking new bird discovered in South America...

A brightly coloured bird has been discovered on a remote mountain range in South America. The previously unknown species, the Yariguies Brush Finch, has striking black, yellow and red plumage.

A British expert co-led the team which made the find during the first biological expedition to the Yariguies mountains in northern Colombia.

[Read More]

Fidel Castro is far from dying, interim leader Raul Castro said...

Picture of Cuban President Fidel Castro published 5 September in the official daily Granma in Havana. Fidel Castro is far from dying, interim leader Raul Castro said after reports that his brother suffered from terminal cancer.(AFP/ESTUDIOS REVOLUCION/HO)
Overview of the nuclear seven's tests since 1945

CHRONOLOGY-North Korea nuclear crisis timeline
Russia- NKorea test greater than reported

Bush says N. Korea nuclear test a threat

Stocks dip on Korean fears, higher oil

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Hidden Penalties For Using Plastic

12 Common Credit Myths Debunked

Bush- 'Shocked' by Rep. Foley News

Joe Negron- Vote for Foley, Elect Me

Sen. Schumer Gloats- We Can Win

Boycotting Hugo Chavez

Rush- GOP Must Take Gloves Off

Report Forecasts Decline in U.S. Housing Prices

More Americans are Becoming 'House Poor'

Is the Economy Headed for a Fall-

The Party's Over for Online Gambling Business

Eric Clapton Playing 'Cocaine' Again in Concert

Socialism for the rich

The Pelosi plan

Conservatives on the march for private property

United Nations’ Credibility on the Line

Donors replace fuel for villages that rejected Chavez oil

Hugo Chavez Calls Rumsfeld 'Mr. Dog,' Defends Arms Deals

Chavez offers plan to sprout soccer fields

Fuming over Chavez remarks

Rice- time running out in dealing with Iran's nuke issue

France rejects Iranian uranium offer

Chirac must lead resistance to Iran's latest nuclear offer

U.S. cites united front on Iran

S. Korea won't tolerate N. Korea's possession of nuclear weapon
Plane Reported Stolen From Keys Found In Cuba

Miami Herald publisher quits over Cuba revelations

Miami Herald Publisher Resigns Over Cuban Financial Kickback

Cuba money manager keeps low profile in Miami

Miami Cubans- Fidel era over

Returned migrants losing hope waiting for Cuban OK to leave

Disgraced Politician Says He Was Abused

Airliner Carrying 113 Hijacked in Greece

House Speaker Under Fire in Foley Scandal

Killer at Amish School Had 'Dreams of Molesting'

Radio's 'Dream Doctor' in a Nightmare Illness

Dow Soars to New Closing High of 11,727...

Oil tumbles below $59 on ample supply...

TOYOTA trounces U.S. automakers GM and CHRYSLER in September sales...

Dick Morris- Hillary will be next president...

French smokers fume as public ban looms...

Drones Expected to Be New Eye Into Little-Seen Part of Hurricanes...

POLL- 40% in EU take no AIDS precautions...

Iran Asks France to Oversee Enrichment...

Forecaster says no more major hurricanes in '06...
Housing Costs Up in Most States

Iran suggests French nuclear consortium

Cingular Rollout of Faster Wireless Web Service Is Running Behind Schedule

Amish seclusion shattered by school slayings

Mexico asks Bush to block border fence bill

Iraqis battle to drive out al-Qaida

Letter Shows Al Qaeda Leaders Were Not Happy With Zarqawi

Korean looks likely as Annan's successor

Private-Sector Anger Builds as Public Pension Costs Rise

AP, networks fight law barring exit polls

Polk sheriff- Suspect who 'executed' deputy was hit by 68 of 110 bullets fired

Palm Beach County housing expenses pummel paychecks

Young Americans waiting longer to get married, often until after 30

Flu vaccine supplies are abundant in South Florida and nationwide

S. Florida low-income homeowners to get free hurricane improvements

Housing costs leave little left over for Broward residents

Florida Democrats' chances are fading, poll finds

Chavez Says Castro Recovering Slowly But Prepared To Die

Chavez Says He Has White House Informant

Chavez- U.S. Informant Says Bush Wants Him Killed

Cuba plans day of debate on U.S. trade embargo

Cuba-China trade surges to 890 mln USD, up 80% year on year

Cuban emigre living the American dream

On menu- Budgets and Cuban coffee

Cuba businesses 'cheat clients'

Mark Cuban- Only a 'Moron' Would Buy YouTube
GOOGLE buys garage where company was launched...

Oil Falls 3%...



In locked-down Baghdad, city life moves online...

Fla. GOP Picks Foley Replacement...

Bush to sign bill to prevent Internet gambling...
Gunman Kills 3 Girls at Amish Schoolhouse

Teen From 'Microchip Family' Killed in Crash

Most Powerful Women in Business Listed

Rice Disputes Woodward Book on CIA Warning

Foley Seeks Rehab as GOP Names Replacement

Two Americans Win Nobel Prize in Medicine

12 Tips for the Small-Talk Slackers

100 Just-Ridiculous Jobs

'Not So Big' Housing Trend

10 Tips to Reclaim Your Lost Sleep