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*** All progress is experimental ~ John Jay Chapman ***



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Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Hacker targets iPod, iTunes restrictions...

SAN JOSE, Calif. - A hacker known for cracking the copy-protection technology in DVDs claims to have unlocked the playback restrictions of Apple Computer Inc.'s iPod and iTunes music products and plans to license his code to others.

The move by Jon Lech Johansen, also known as "DVD Jon," could pit the 22-year-old against Apple's lawyers, experts say, but if successful could free users from some restrictions Apple and its rivals place on digital music.



Drug raid yields Los Alamos documents

Hacker targets iPod

Living beyond means

Scientists test dissolving heart stent

Countrywide laying off more than 2,500 employees

Study- Vegetables may keep brains young

Stoic or just lucky- Gene affects pain- study

U.S. says more GIs may be needed in Iraq

West wants Iran technology sales banned

China says N. Korea not planning test

Small quakes reported near Old Faithful

OU study- Statins may slow lung damage

Inconvenient truths

Britain is turning on the U.S. - at its own peril

Obama needs to slow bandwagon

As China pressures N. Korea, will Putin face down Iran-

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