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Monday, November 06, 2006

Where are the Alquaeda Tapes?

Not a peep, not a squeak. Well it seems that Zahawiri and Osama have finally wised up and decided that maybe if they don't send a taped terror message reminding Americans that they are still around, it would help the Democrat party defeat the Republicans in the Tuesday midterm election. After all if you were Osama Bin Ladin, what party would you want in power? There is only one obvious answer to that question, and that is: The Democrats.

Or maybe the U.S. military has them on the run so badly, that they have not even had a chance to put a tape togheter. Whatever the case, hopefully the latter, we have not seen or heard from the terror duo since their last tape was realeased on September 2nd, and we all know they are watching everything we do. In fact, I dare say that they are probably better informed about the United States than many Americans. That is a sad commentary but I believe it's probably true.

Or perhaps Carl Rove and his sinister political machinery forgot to fake the tapes this time as it would be too obvious. In many ways George Bush and the Republicans are victims of their own success. Because we haven't been attacked again, we are again growing complacent. And this complacency is most plainly embodied in the Democrats, who in their rethoric, and lust to regain power have put partisan politics ahead of what is best for the country. Security continues to be of paramount concern at least to this American. Whithout security there is no economy, no healthcare, no social security, no gay marriage or any of the other topics bandied about in the national discourse.

Let's hope the voters turn out and are smart enough to set aside all the vitriol, and partisan hot air, and vote conscientioulsly for the lesser of two evils. The one that has proven that at least they can protect us.

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