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Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Who is Ron Paul?

Well, apparently not everyone knows who he is yet. Wanna know why? Because it seems like all major media outlets are trying to keep it this way in any way they can.

Ron Paul is the most credible, straightforward, and revolutionary presidential candidate in a very long time. He is a revolutionary, as sad as this will sound, because he will not do anything that is not allowed by the constitution. He is a revolutionary because he does not participate in today's Washington's grab-ass politics, so much so that his colleagues have nicknamed him "Dr. No", as if that would be an insult given what the political process has become in this country.

This man is the only candidate that has dared raise the point that terrorists attacked us because of our own international affairs policies. He clearly talked about CIA warnings about "blowback" which is a term used to refer to the repercussions that come against us when we decide to meddle with other nation's internal affairs. He clearly stated that Bin Laden was not only trained by us, but openly declared war(jihad) against the US for the crimes of invading, and then staying for over 7 years in the "holiest of Islamic lands, the Arabian Peninsula", and killing over a million Muslims over those 7 years. Hmmm, maybe we did go into their neck of the woods and killed a whole bunch of their people, didn't we? But when a presidential candidate dares to say it, morons like Rudy dare to ask him to retract the statement and apologize for it, regardless of the fact that Dr. Paul was speaking based on historical facts, and many of the findings of the 9/11 commission, which by the way, Rudy did not seem to have read at that point. Some other candidates went as far as asking to remove him from all future debates because of the "damage" that his statements were causing to the Republican Party.

It seems like in every debate, Ron Paul is the only candidate that stands out of the crowd and has new ideas on how to correct the government which was supposed to represent the people, but has lost its way. Yet the media outlets just find flaws on his statements or absolutely ignore him in hopes he will vanish. The latest travesty was what CNN did after tonight's presidential debates. It seems like after several minutes of absolute (close to 90%) support for Ron Paul in the "Who won the debate", they have now mysteriously shown the results of the "Who won the debate" for the democratic debate that occurred a few days ago. The small text at top is correct for each debate, yet the actual results on the bottom are all for the democratic. Luckily, some people has the old posts and have posted them in this forums. It seems like over 90% of responders said Ron Paul won, and then CNN had a "glitch".

It has been debated that the reason the media outlets want to bury him is because he does not have the funds to run an expensive TV campaign, so they are trying to maximize their profits. While this could be true(absolutely wrong, but media companies are businesses, and some corporations have done much worse than that in order to maintain profits), I think they are more scared about the long term effects when the interests of mega corporations and their lobbyists are not fully represented in Washington any longer. Imagine how hard it will be to continue to bring in the billions of dollars and multimillion dollar salaries of the execs, if they cannot have Washington help them out by "slightly" tipping the scales of justice their way via a few conveniently placed laws here and there.

Seems to me like this guy is the real deal for us poor schlobs who have to go to work every day, but the small group that is reaping most of the benefits of the current situation is trying to bury him before we all notice what we have in front of us.

By the way, it seems like while Ron Paul has one of the smallest budgets(what corporation will donate to him when he won't sleep with them after he gets elected), he also has one of the biggest grassroots movements, and it's most prevalent online for some reason.

So, this is Ron Paul a candidate that is so Radical, that he actually wants to re-establish things as they were meant by the constitution. Sad, isn't it, when a candidate that wants to restore the government according to constitutional rules is called an extreme radical by the mainstream politicians /media.

Found an exact copy of the page that CNN took down:


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