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Monday, September 29, 2008

Full Text of the Bailout Bill [PDF]

Full Text of the Bailout Bill [PDF]-110 Pages

GM expects the Volt to be 100-mpg certified

General Motors Corp. said Friday that it had reached a preliminary agreement that cleared the way for U.S. regulators to certify the Chevrolet Volt as the first 100-mile-per-gallon car. But the Environmental Protection Agency said testing guidelines hadn't been finalized.

The Volt, an electric vehicle that can be charged at home and has a range-extending gas-powered generator on board, is expected to start selling in late 2010. GM says it will be able to travel 40 miles before the generator kicks in. [READ MORE]

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Obama The Liberal Savior

The O-man, Barack Hussein Obama, is an eloquently tailored empty suit. No
resume, no accomplishments, no experience, no original ideas, no
understanding of how the economy works, no understanding of how the world
works, no balls, nothing but abstract empty rhetoric devoid of real

He has no real identity. He is half-white, which he rejects. The rest of
him is mostly Arab, which he hides but is disclosed by his non-African
Arabic surname and his Arabic first and middle names as a way to triply
proclaim his Arabic parentage to people in Kenya . Only a small part of
him is African Black from his Luo grandmother, which he pretends he is

What he isn't, not a genetic drop of, is 'African-American,' the
descendant of enslaved Africans brought to America chained in slave
ships. He hasn't a single ancestor who was a slave. Instead, his Arab
ancestors were slave owners. Slave-trading was the main Arab business in
East Africa for centuries until theBritish ended it.

Let that sink in: Obama is not the descendant of slaves, he is the
descendant of slave owners. Thus he makes the perfect Liberal Messiah.

It's something Hillary doesn't understand - how some complete neophyte
came out of the blue and stole the Dem nomination from her. Obamamania is
beyond politics and reason. It is a true religious cult, whose adherents
reject Christianity yet still believe in Original Sin, transferring it
from the evil of being human to the evil of being white.

Thus Obama has become the white liberals' Christ, offering absolution
from the Sin of Being White. There is no reason or logic behind it, no
faults or flaws of his can diminish it, no arguments Hillary could make
of any kind can be effective against it. The absurdity of Hypocrisy
Clothed In Human Flesh being their Savior is all the more cause for
liberals to worship him: Credo quia absurdum, I believe it because it is

Thank heavens that the voting majority of Americans remain Christian and
are in no desperate need of a phony savior.

His candidacy is ridiculous and should not be taken seriously by any thinking American.

Written by Dr. Jack Wheeler

Jack Wheeler is a brilliant man who was the author of the strategy to break the back of the Soviet Unionwith the star wars race and expose their inner weakness. For years he wrote a weekly intelligenceupdate that was extremely interesting and well structured and informed. He consults(ed) with several mega corporations on global trends and the future, etc. I think he is in semi-retirement now. He is a truepatriot with a no-nonsense approach to everything. He is also a somewhat well-known mountain climber and adventurer.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Android’s threat to the iPhone

If Google plays its cards right, its unveiling of the first Android-powered phone on Tuesday will prove to be more than a distraction from iPhone-mania – it will be the moment the search giant capitalizes on Apple’s control issues.

First, the lowdown on Google’s (GOOG) Android mobile operating system. Think of it as an attempt to do for phones what Windows does for the PC, or OS X does for the Mac. But unlike Microsoft (MSFT) and Apple (AAPL), Google isn’t looking to make money off of phone software or hardware; instead, it’s giving Android away for free to any phonemaker and wireless carrier who will bake it into a handset. Why? If people use their phones to get online, the more they’ll do Google searches, click Google ads, and in the process, make Google money. [READ MORE]

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Common Misspelled Words

Common Misspelled Words [CLICK IMAGE TO ZOOM]

Secrets of Leading a Fulfilling Life

We live in a wonderful age, a time of great discovery and prowess. Yet many people believe that times are hard and that there are fewer opportunities for anyone to succeed.

Nothing could be further from the truth. Success is not a set of circumstances is a set of attitudes. Even in times of great difficulty, there are always people who overcome adversity and become immensely successful.

Success never came easily to anyone. It takes a great deal of energy and enthusiasm. Both attributes are essential to reach goals and overcome minor setbacks today.


Be grateful for what you have: All of us have things for which we should be thankful. But we often overlook accomplishments such as a solid job or good health because we are obsessed with trying to achieve what we don't yet possess.

Working hard to reach a goal is important, but it can cause problems for those who focus on that goal and nothing else. Without stopping to appreciate what you have already achieved and realizing that it all can disappear overnight due to some quirk of fate, you leave yourself unprepared for inevitable setbacks.

Important: Think About what you already have before you start each day.

This sort of self-reflection will put your life in perspective and prevent you from having the feeling that all is lost when something doesn't work out.

Be enthusiastic about everything you do: Enthusiasm—that state of exuberance in which all things seem possible—is what drives each of us to pursue something we love. The Greek root word entheos means "possessed by a god or other superhuman power."

The individual who takes up an activity as a positive adventure can inspire the same attitude in others. The employee who looks for ways to enjoy his/her work—and to be enthusiastic about it— sets the stage for others to follow his example.

It takes practice to do anything well. Instead of dwelling on your dissatisfaction, focus on your happiness and watch it expand. A smile is contagious...and while no one can be sunny all the time, if you take up your task with enthusiasm, it is likely that those around you will catch your spirit. Conversely, negative behavior can destroy that spirit.

Example: When you are talking with someone and the two of you start to analyze the character of a third person who is not present, stop yourself. Gossip is always a negative force that leads you away from success and happiness.

It's also important to evaluate your level of enthusiasm. Questions to ask yourself...

-When I am asked to do a job, do I accept it enthusiastically and give it my all?

-Do I avoid cutting corners and give as much effort as promised or even more?

-Do I accept each assignment as a fresh challenge and a chance to grow as both a professional and a person?

If the answer to any of these questions is no, you must assess why your enthusiasm has diminished.

By developing a happy, positive acceptance of the good things that you have right now, you can be sure that you will know how to enjoy the surprises that come your way in the future.

Make sure your job is your career: A job can sustain your interest while you make enough money to support yourself in a comfortable lifestyle.

But a career is more than that—it is a vocation. The word vocation comes from the Latin root to call. Therefore, your vocation is a calling and, in a very deep sense, finding your vocation is finding yourself. When you have found your calling, you can give love through your work.

In fact, love is the key to successfully mastering your vocation. It directs you to those special talents you can give the world and shows you how to share them with others. It can return rewards far greater than the accumulation of wealth.

Realize that success is a journey, not a destination: Successful people do not stop working hard once they've reached their goals. Instead, they set new goals. These people know the law of inertia—it is easier for an object to stay in motion once it is moving. . .and to remain still once it has stopped.

Once you overcome your inertia of rest, you can use your inertia of motion to succeed at anything you start.

This will require you to work a little harder than those who are moderately; successful. That extra effort will product consistently higher quality in your work and fuel your morale. Your teamwork with your peers will also be extraordinary.

Learn as much as possible from those around you: You possess an inner wisdom that enables you to determine who your teachers are and what they have to teach you.

To find your teachers, look at the people closest to you—your family, your friends and your co-workers. The people with whom you spend the most time can tell you much about yourself.

To find teachers who will help you to become successful, carefully study the behavior and actions of those you admire a great deal. Look for someone with honesty, integrity and compassion, since these are the basic ingredients of a truly successful person.

And by becoming this kind of person, you will attract others of similar virtue. Your inner success will automatically create your outer success.

Perseverance is the difference between success and defeat: Reaching a goal may require repeated attempts. Each attempt brings you closer to achieving the objective and in the process helps you set other goals as well. Among these may be personal redirection or the achievement of a greater good that you had not initially planned.

Perseverance is the voice within, urging you that if at first you don't succeed, try, try, again. To persevere is to remain constant to a purpose, idea or task in the face of obstacles and discouragement.

In order to persevere, you must have positive and loving thoughts. That's because they spark a whole range of feelings that lift your spirits. If, on the other hand, you concentrate on negative thoughts and fearful emotions, you conjure up an even greater negativity. You'll also be more likely to abandon the goal you are trying to achieve. Source: Sir John Templeton/Bottom Line Personal Mag.

Friday, September 19, 2008

The Socialist Republic of Florida, Chapter One

Matthew Falconer
September 19, 2008
Chapter One Save Our Homes-The beginning of the end.

In 1992, Ken Wilkinson, a County Property Appraiser from Lee County, Florida, was successful in promoting and getting into law a bill known as "Save Our Homes." The law limited the increase in property taxes on "homestead property" to CPI (the Consumer Price Index) or 3% annually. A homestead property is a permanent residence, not a second home, rental apartment, or commercial building. Wilkinson said, "Government should not be in the business of taxing people off their primary residence." This sounds nice, but as is often the case with government regulations, there were unintended consequences.

Save Our Homes was sold to the people of Florida as a tax limit. This couldn´t be farther from the truth. In essence, Save Our Homes is flawed because it is not a tax limit, but a tax shift. The "savings" of homestead property owners was/is made up by additional taxation of non-homestead property owners. This tax shift is estimated at $7 billion a year and counting (2). The biggest effect of this law was that most Florida taxpayers were shielded from sharp increases in property taxes. Most residents did not have to share in the increasing costs and economic burden of a growth in government spending, and thus government was "politically sheltered" to spend revenues more freely. [READ MORE]

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Hackers block Qaeda’s 9/11 terror on tape

Hackers prevented Al Qaeda from releasing a videotape to mark the seventh anniversary of 9/11. Al Qaeda has traditionally issued a video or audiotape by either Osama bin Laden or Ayman al Zawahiri, the terror network’s two leaders, to mark their massive terrorist attack on the US.

As-Sahab, Al Qaeda’s media unit, had indicated earlier this week that it would post such a videotape on September 11. As-Sahab had banner images on the internet showing a silhouetted head with a question mark and the words, “Wait 11 September”.

The US-based intelligence group IntelCenter had speculated the video would be a message from Osama or Zawahiri with a recording of the last will and testament of Mohammed Atta, one of the leaders of the 9/11 attackers.

Sources close to US intelligence said, “Hackers knocked out Al Qaeda’s online means of communication, thus preventing them from posting anything to commemorate the anniversary.”

Western intelligence suspects two hackers who have targeted Islamicist sites before were responsible: Aaron Weisburd from Internet Haganah and Rusty Shackleford from the web group My Pet Jawa. Continued on Page 20

Both have been active in ongoing Internet battle between Islamicist hackers and their opponents.

Terrorism expert B Raman says, “I received word two days ago that it was possible the tape would not be released because of hackers.” He noted: “As Sahab is having problems. (Al Qaeda spokesperson) Adam Gadan, in charge of the website, has not been heard of for six months. There are reports he may have been killed in Pakistan.” He expects the tape to be issued three or four days from now. “Or they will send it to Al Jazeera.”

This is not the first time hackers have dented the plans of the world’s deadliest terror network. In 2004, a hacker group called TeAmZ USA had knocked out the websites of Abu Musal al-Zarqawi, late head of the Al Qaeda in Iraq, for showing tapes of Westerners being beheaded. The hackers left the image of a gun-toting penguin on the website.

Last year’s Al Qaeda anniversary videotape included a eulogy by Bin Laden to 9/11 attacker Waleed al Shehri and his video will — a recording made by suicide bombers before they carry out their missions. Al Qaeda failed to issue an anniversary tape in 2004 as well, leading to speculation Bin Laden had died. Last year, Washington released the anniversary tape two days before Al Qaeda did. Says Raman, “This was probably to deliberately show the US had hacked the password to Al Qaeda’s website.”


Monday, September 15, 2008

The Wall Street Panic of 2008

Panic: In economics, acute financial disturbance, such as widespread bank failures, feverish stock speculation followed by a market crash, or a climate of fear caused by economic crisis or the anticipation of such crisis.
-- Britannica Online

Make no mistake -- by this definition, what we've witnessed so far in 2008 is nothing less than a global market panic. [READ MORE]

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Lowering your Blood Pressure Naturally with DASH

Y O U R G U I D E T O:
Lowering Your Blood
Pressure With DASH

National Institutes of Health
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute

What you choose to eat affects your chances of developing high
blood pressure, or hypertension (the medical term). Recent studies
show that blood pressure can be lowered by following the Dietary
Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) eating plan—and by
eating less salt, also called sodium.

While each step alone lowers blood pressure, the combination of the
eating plan and a reduced sodium intake gives the biggest benefit
and may help prevent the development of high blood pressure.


The Death Of OPEC

Saudi Arabia walked out on OPEC yesterday. It said it would not honor the cartel's production cut. It was tired of rants from Hugo Chavez of Venezuela and the well-dressed oil minister from Iran.

As the world's largest crude exporter, the kingdom in the desert took its ball and went home.

As the Saudis left the building the message was shockingly clear. According to The New York Times, “Saudi Arabia will meet the market’s demand,” a senior OPEC delegate said. “We will see what the market requires and we will not leave a customer without oil."

OPEC will still have lavish meetings and a nifty headquarters in Vienna, Austria, but the Saudis have made certain the the organization has lost its teeth. Even though the cartel argued that the sudden drop in crude as due to "over-supply", OPEC's most powerful member knows that the drop may only be temporary. Cold weather later this year could put pressure on prices. So could a decision by Russia that it wants to "punish" the US and EU for a time. That political battle is only at its beginning.

The downward pressure on oil got a second hand. Brazil has confirmed another huge oil deposit to add to one it discovered off-shore earlier this year. The first field uncovered by Petrobras has the promise of being one of the largest in the world. That breadth of that deposit has now expanded.

OPEC needs that Saudis to have any credibility in terms of pricing, supply, and the ongoing success of its bully pulpit. By failing to keep its most critical member it forfeits its leverage.

OPEC has made no announcement to the effect that it is dissolving, but the process is already over.

Douglas A. McIntyre

[Original Article]

Sarah Palin Interview win Charlie Gibson (Part 2)

Charlie Gibson's Gaffe

Saturday, September 13, 2008

The New York Times got it wrong. And Charlie Gibson got it wrong.

There is no single meaning of the Bush doctrine. In fact, there have been four distinct meanings, each one succeeding another over the eight years of this administration -- and the one Charlie Gibson cited is not the one in common usage today. It is utterly different.

He asked Palin, "Do you agree with the Bush doctrine?"

She responded, quite sensibly to a question that is ambiguous, "In what respect, Charlie?" [READ MORE]

Monday, September 08, 2008

5 Reasons to Buy a Used Car

By John Rosevear

Ah, that new-car smell. For many, it's a wonderful intoxicant, one that lures them back to their favorite car dealer as soon as it fades from their most recent purchase.

But as with other intoxicants, getting hooked on that aroma can be an expensive habit. Two years after your purchase, long after the scents of newness have faded, your new car will have lost a ton of value -- 30% or more, on average. Combine that with the additional hit you'll take if you trade it in rather than sell it yourself, and you could be losing almost half of what you paid for that beast just two years ago.

If, on the other hand, you can live without the robust fragrance of alkanes, benzenes, and aldehydes during your morning commute, then you're in luck. A well-chosen used car can be a reliable, fun, and Foolish purchase that can give you years of (relatively) low-cost service.

Let's look at five reasons why it's worth thinking about buying used the next time around.

* Cars are more reliable than ever. Survey after survey shows that the best current cars provide longer, more dependable service than ever before. Consumer Reports regularly publishes lists of the best used-car bets, based on its own extensive survey database. Get a copy of Consumer Reports' most recent annual auto issue; you'll find great choices in most price ranges.
* Avoid the worst of the depreciation hit. Cars depreciate every year, but the biggest slices of value come off in the first two to three years of its life. A two-year-old car that's been well treated will still give you years of service -- and some of that new-car feel -- for thousands less.
* More car for less money. Want a BMW for Honda money? Or maybe just an Accord for Civic money? Buying used lets you take advantage of someone else's depreciation hit. (But research your maintenance and insurance costs first. BMWs are solid and durable cars, but their parts cost more than Honda's. Buy that dream car carefully.)
* The Internet helps you find what you want. Got your heart set on a red Toyota Prius with a navigation system? Before you start calling dealers looking for a new one, check out the used listings on sites such as AutoTrader.com and Cars.com. You may be able to find the car of your dreams: lightly used, close to home, and at a substantial discount from new.
* Dealer "certification" programs. Nearly every automaker now offers a used-car "certification" program, under which the manufacturer inspects, repairs, and "certifies" recent used cars that then get sold with a warranty. These programs are a notable compromise between buying new and buying used; they give used-car buyers a relationship with a dealer, a factory-backed warranty, and assurance that they're not buying major hidden problems. You'll generally pay a bit more for a "certified" used car versus one bought from a private seller, but the benefits can be substantial.

Some last thoughts: If the car you're considering isn't "certified," run its VIN through CARFAX to check for past insurance claims, and have a local mechanic inspect it before you decide to buy. If the seller won't let you have it inspected by an independent mechanic, don't even bother arguing -- move on to the next candidate.

And finally, although cars from Toyota, Honda, and Nissan have topped the reliability lists for years, don't rule out the domestics. The best products from General Motors and Ford have held their own in recent reliability comparisons, and the higher initial depreciation hit on domestic cars versus imports might lead you to an excellent value purchase.

Keep these tips in mind before you get behind the wheel of your next vehicle. You'll be happy you did.

Source: The Motley Fool

The Five Best Performing Stock Market Indicators

Sentiment index. The number of bearish investment services as monitored by Investors Intelligence, a stock-market advisory. Bullish sign: Almost 50% of the investment advisers are bullish. Fewer than 17.8% of the advisers are bearish. (The advisory consensus is usually wrong at significant turns in the market.)

Member trading. Bullish when members of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) swing from the sell to the buy side. Bearish when they swing to the sell side. This indicator has a bias toward the sell side as a general rule, so deviations are what are significant.

Funds' cash. Bullish when funds have more than 9.4 % in cash. Bearish when cash is below 6.2%.

Swing direction. Swings of more than 5% on the Dow. Bullish when up. Bearish when down.

Advance-decline figures. Two week daily average of advances minus declines on the NYSE as a percentage of total issues traded. Bullish when over + 13.8%. Bearish when below- 18.2%.

Investment strategy: The study that analyzed these indicators suggests that long positions in the stock market are justified when at least four out of five of the above indicators are in a bullish mode. Hold positions until the majority of indicators turn bearish. Sell short only when four out of five are in a bearish mode.

Source: Merrill Analysis, Inc.