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Sunday, September 21, 2008

Secrets of Leading a Fulfilling Life

We live in a wonderful age, a time of great discovery and prowess. Yet many people believe that times are hard and that there are fewer opportunities for anyone to succeed.

Nothing could be further from the truth. Success is not a set of circumstances is a set of attitudes. Even in times of great difficulty, there are always people who overcome adversity and become immensely successful.

Success never came easily to anyone. It takes a great deal of energy and enthusiasm. Both attributes are essential to reach goals and overcome minor setbacks today.


Be grateful for what you have: All of us have things for which we should be thankful. But we often overlook accomplishments such as a solid job or good health because we are obsessed with trying to achieve what we don't yet possess.

Working hard to reach a goal is important, but it can cause problems for those who focus on that goal and nothing else. Without stopping to appreciate what you have already achieved and realizing that it all can disappear overnight due to some quirk of fate, you leave yourself unprepared for inevitable setbacks.

Important: Think About what you already have before you start each day.

This sort of self-reflection will put your life in perspective and prevent you from having the feeling that all is lost when something doesn't work out.

Be enthusiastic about everything you do: Enthusiasm—that state of exuberance in which all things seem possible—is what drives each of us to pursue something we love. The Greek root word entheos means "possessed by a god or other superhuman power."

The individual who takes up an activity as a positive adventure can inspire the same attitude in others. The employee who looks for ways to enjoy his/her work—and to be enthusiastic about it— sets the stage for others to follow his example.

It takes practice to do anything well. Instead of dwelling on your dissatisfaction, focus on your happiness and watch it expand. A smile is contagious...and while no one can be sunny all the time, if you take up your task with enthusiasm, it is likely that those around you will catch your spirit. Conversely, negative behavior can destroy that spirit.

Example: When you are talking with someone and the two of you start to analyze the character of a third person who is not present, stop yourself. Gossip is always a negative force that leads you away from success and happiness.

It's also important to evaluate your level of enthusiasm. Questions to ask yourself...

-When I am asked to do a job, do I accept it enthusiastically and give it my all?

-Do I avoid cutting corners and give as much effort as promised or even more?

-Do I accept each assignment as a fresh challenge and a chance to grow as both a professional and a person?

If the answer to any of these questions is no, you must assess why your enthusiasm has diminished.

By developing a happy, positive acceptance of the good things that you have right now, you can be sure that you will know how to enjoy the surprises that come your way in the future.

Make sure your job is your career: A job can sustain your interest while you make enough money to support yourself in a comfortable lifestyle.

But a career is more than that—it is a vocation. The word vocation comes from the Latin root to call. Therefore, your vocation is a calling and, in a very deep sense, finding your vocation is finding yourself. When you have found your calling, you can give love through your work.

In fact, love is the key to successfully mastering your vocation. It directs you to those special talents you can give the world and shows you how to share them with others. It can return rewards far greater than the accumulation of wealth.

Realize that success is a journey, not a destination: Successful people do not stop working hard once they've reached their goals. Instead, they set new goals. These people know the law of inertia—it is easier for an object to stay in motion once it is moving. . .and to remain still once it has stopped.

Once you overcome your inertia of rest, you can use your inertia of motion to succeed at anything you start.

This will require you to work a little harder than those who are moderately; successful. That extra effort will product consistently higher quality in your work and fuel your morale. Your teamwork with your peers will also be extraordinary.

Learn as much as possible from those around you: You possess an inner wisdom that enables you to determine who your teachers are and what they have to teach you.

To find your teachers, look at the people closest to you—your family, your friends and your co-workers. The people with whom you spend the most time can tell you much about yourself.

To find teachers who will help you to become successful, carefully study the behavior and actions of those you admire a great deal. Look for someone with honesty, integrity and compassion, since these are the basic ingredients of a truly successful person.

And by becoming this kind of person, you will attract others of similar virtue. Your inner success will automatically create your outer success.

Perseverance is the difference between success and defeat: Reaching a goal may require repeated attempts. Each attempt brings you closer to achieving the objective and in the process helps you set other goals as well. Among these may be personal redirection or the achievement of a greater good that you had not initially planned.

Perseverance is the voice within, urging you that if at first you don't succeed, try, try, again. To persevere is to remain constant to a purpose, idea or task in the face of obstacles and discouragement.

In order to persevere, you must have positive and loving thoughts. That's because they spark a whole range of feelings that lift your spirits. If, on the other hand, you concentrate on negative thoughts and fearful emotions, you conjure up an even greater negativity. You'll also be more likely to abandon the goal you are trying to achieve. Source: Sir John Templeton/Bottom Line Personal Mag.

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