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Iran seizes rights lawyer's Nobel Peace medal...
Cuba conducts war games with U.S. invasion in mind...
White House lets MTV's Real World film behind podium...
Helen Thomas: This Thanksgiving, I'm thankful for a black president...
China expert warns of pandemic flu mutation...
10 students suspended for taking part in 'kick a Jew day'...
Bizarre calf mutilations found on Colorado ranch...
Pretending climate email leak isn't crisis won't make it go away...
Impression left is global warming game has been rigged from start...
AUSTRALIA: Five MPs lead the way by resigning in disgust over carbon tax...
Gore: Time up for any short-term thinking...
Adam Lambert furor spreads to gay community...
US online ad revenue down 5.4%...
Pelosi rebukes fashion critic at State Dinner...
Number of Troubled Banks Rises to 552; FDIC Fund Sinks Into the Red...
Lula urges Iran dialogue, backs nuclear plan...
IAEA chief: Iran investigation at 'dead end'...
Iran clerics start taking control of schools...
GOOGLE explains racist, anti-Semitic search results...
Dubai debt move 'carefully planned'...
Dollar hits 14-year low against yen...
Gold breaks $1,195 ounce...
China and the civilization shift...
Israel soldier swap talks on hold: Palestinian...
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Polanski prepares for luxury Alpine house arrest...
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