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Thursday, December 30, 2010

POLICE: Mom, 48, and daughter, 21, sexually abused same teen boy... http://plu.gd/dCL

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Playboy mansion a 'squalid prison,' former Playmates say... http://plu.gd/dCp

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6-foot-7 man forced to stand during flight on Spirit Airlines... http://plu.gd/dCx

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US revokes Venezuela ambassador's visa... http://plu.gd/dCz

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Breaking News: Eleventh all-time home run slugger Harmon Killebrew diagnosed with esophageal cancer; says condition is 'very serious' http://bit.ly/fODtu1
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NINTENDO issues health warning on its 3D games... http://plu.gd/dCf

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Storm Chaos Shows Flip Side of Airlines' Efficiency Push...

Flights at JFK Sit on Tarmac for Hours...
Have we become nation of whiners and wimps?
'Artificial intelligence to transform web'...
Cuba slashes state-subsidised soap...

Tinsel Town egos stripped bare: Film critic exposes unvarnished truth of Hollywood stars...

Obama bypasses Senate, appoints envoy to Syria...

CLAIM: Obama's Million Dollar Hawaiian Vacation: Costs to Taxpayers Detailed... 

2010 worst year for bank failures since 1992...
PUTIN PAYBACK: Russian tycoon Khodorkovsky gets 14-year sentence...

Criticism of verdict mounts...
Fake 'Nurse of the Year' Headed to Prison...
UK union leaders predict surge in strike action next year...
Woman Saves Dog With Mouth-To-Mouth Resuscitation...

Have we become nation of whiners and wimps?

Florida holding 'no refusal' DUI checkpoints; Blood demand...
Internet groups fear UN could threaten web...
China preparing for armed conflict 'in every direction'...
VIDEO: Oil Could Push to $110...
Home foreclosures jump...
Forecasters keep eye on looming 'Solar Max'...
Anorexic model who appeared in shock fashion campaign dies at 28...

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Can of Hairspray Ammunition in Luggage Explodes at Miami Airport...

Snowbound New Yorkers upset about unplowed streets... 

Bloomberg 'Doesn't Care About the Little People'... 

Fury as city paralyzed... 

VIDEO: NYC's Dumbest; Sanitation workers destroy FORD EXPLORER ** Warning: Contains Graphic Language**

Christie Vacations, leaves Dem to Handle Snow in NJ...
UPDATE: Ice, blackouts strand thousands at Moscow airports...
Chairlift derails, hurls skiers 30 feet to ground...
Non-US banks gain from Fed crisis fund; Half of emergency credit facility cash went to foreign institutions...

China deploying new carrier-killing missile...

US ships may move farther from mainland China...
White House attempts to quiet revived talk of 'death panels'...

Obama glad EAGLES signed Vick...

Deserved Second Chance...
Iran hangs man convicted of spying for Israel... 

Another 'opponent' also hanged as part of crackdown...
Iran broadens its battle against AIDS...
Man sentenced to 3 life terms paroled, kills cop...
Pastor charged with burglarizing church member's home...


Pilot angered TSA with video...

MATTHEWS: Why Doesn't Obama Just Release The Birth Certificate?

Hawaii's governor wants to reveal Obama birth info...
REPORT: More than 25% of Kids in USA Take Prescription Drugs...
U.S. Navy officer jumps to death in Manila after drug arrest...
Mexico drug cartels increasingly turn to youths to do bloody work...

Elton John -- becomes a dad...

Cradle in the wind...
Home prices falling faster in biggest cities...

Consumer Confidence Shows Surprise Drop...

Michigan Town Left Pleading for Bankruptcy...

Feds change how it measures long-term unemployment...
DC home to most single-parent households...
111th Congress Added More Debt Than First 100 Congresses Combined...

$10,429 Per Person...

Florida Republicans Want Bush To Run For Senate!
New global banking rules proposed on bankers' pay...
Ceiling lights send coded Internet data...
CURSED: Lead Actress Quits B'way's Spider-Man...

POLL: Only 21% Want FCC to Regulate Internet...

Fear of Political Agenda...

Top China blogger forced to shut down magazine...


CNN INVESTIGATES: Four minutes on Obama's eating habits...
Stuffed! The 30,000-calorie Christmas feast eaten by world's fattest mom...
Oil rises near $92...

Ex-SHELL president sees $5 gas in year...
5 dead in Fla. motel carbon monoxide poisoning...
Outgoing Dem Blames Chinese For Loss?

NKorean troops' new uniform alarms SKorea...
Venezuela's Chavez makes first use of new powers...

...dismisses critics as 'crazy'

Arrests more than 12,000 for 'drug crimes'...
German airport CEO: Profile passengers!
SCROOGED: Lottery Winners Exclude Co-Worker...

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Can of Hairspray Styles Bomb Scare at Miami Airport

Hairspray, not a bomb, explodes on a plane at Miami International Airport

Updated 2:42 PM EST, Tue, Dec 28, 2010
Getty Images
Hair spray has just been added to the "No Fly" list at Miami International Airport.
An aerosol can is believed to have caused a piece of luggage being loaded to a plane to explode Tuesday, causing a mass panic for airport and fire rescue officials.
The Miami-Dade bomb squad was called to the airport around 11:30 a.m. after a baggage handler said he was taking liggage to an American Airlines plane that had just arrived from Boston and a bag exploded, sending pieces of metal flying.
One of the splinters got lodged in his shoe.
Miami-Dade Bomb Squad surrounds a volatile can of...
This poor guy is missing a shoe after the...
The worker was not seriously injured, but the words "explosion" and "airplane" can't be used in the same sentence without the terror alert going up a few notches. Officials took the man's shoe and called in the dogs.
After clearing the tarmac, investigators determined there was no bomb on board, but instead one of the passengers would have to endure a bad hair day.
It should be noted, that hair spray and other aerosol cans are not allowed in carry on luggage, which forces passengers to stuff the combustible hygiene products in tightly packed luggage.
The 148 passengers from Flight 2585 had already departed the plane before the aerosol can exploded.
The TSA is still investigating. No one has been questioned or arrested from the flight.

Home prices

Breaking News: Home prices dropping in largest U.S. cities; further declines expected in 2011, a private index shows http://on.msnbc.com/g2Kwrs
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National Debt

111th Congress Added More Debt Than First 100 Congresses Combined... $10,429 Per Person... http://plu.gd/dzb

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Monday, December 27, 2010

Breaking News: John Warhola, older brother of pop art icon Andy Warhol, dies at 85 http://wapo.st/ijNctH
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A particularly cool view of the US East Coast today. Can you feel the wind blow? http://bit.ly/gNoIBu

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World's youngest yoga teacher, 6, hailed as a miracle... http://plu.gd/dxG

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Ceiling lights send coded Internet data... http://plu.gd/dxC

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Venezuela's Chavez makes first use of new powers... ...dismisses critics as 'crazy' http://plu.gd/dxi

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Man quits job, makes living suing e-mail spammers... http://plu.gd/dxc

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The measures restrict Internet messages, grant decree powers to President Hugo Chávez and prevent legislators from breaking with his political movement.
DEA transformed into global intelligence organization...

...reach goes beyond drugs
Diplomatic cables show American drug agents balancing diplomacy and law enforcement in places where politicians can be as devious as traffickers.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

'Lovergirl' Singer Teena Marie Dead at 54

TMZ.com - ‎14 minutes ago‎
Grammy nominated singer Teena Marie -- once known as Rick James' protégée -- died in her sleep last night at her home in Pasadena at the age of 54 ... TMZ has confirmed with Teena's rep Lynn Jeter. Relatives found Teena's body Sunday morning at her ...
The Associated Press - New York Daily News -People Magazine - E! Online (blog)

ICE AGE: Columbia, SC has first Christmas snow since records first kept in 1887...

Atlanta's First Since 1882...
Britain considers laws to fine airports for poor service...

Moscow's main airport closed after overnight snow...

Airport Christmas for Europe's stranded travellers...
NYT: Bundle Up, It's Global Warming...

Paper: 'No matter what the weather, it's all due to warming'...
Dead spy was in training for 'new identity'...
Assange says signed $1.5 million in book deals...

DEA transformed into global intelligence organization...

...reach goes beyond drugs

Barack hits the barracks...

...makes rare trip to church
Kennedy's exit from Congress leaves family void...

Israeli foreign minister: Peace is 'impossible'...

Iran condemns 'Zionist spy' to death...
APPLE studies holographic display...
Closing the books on 'the worst Congress'...

Police target teenage rock cult...
Italian mafia spreads in Switzerland...

Man dead after Christmas day shootout at Mormon temple...

Mexico says its troops killed US man; planted assault rifle in hands...
KISSINGER, SORRY: Putting the Nixon tape in context...
Nuclear treaty 'goes easy on Russia'...


...stepping up security at hotels and shopping malls
SPIDER-MAN actor walking again after back surgery...

...sustained fracture in skull, broken scapula, broken bone close to his elbow, 4 broken ribs, a bruised lung, 3 fractured vertebrae

Hospital Horror: Woman's Legs Crushed By Elevator...
Israeli foreign minister: Peace is 'impossible'... http://plu.gd/dwC

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Saturday, December 25, 2010

Storm Disrupts Air Travel...


Posted Video Exposing Airport Security Flaws...



TSA issues Thermos alert...

Airport Christmas for Europe's stranded travelers...
NKorea nuclear test 'possible' in new year...
HORROR: Boston hospital makes 3 spine operation errors; Vertebrae mix-ups...

Objector plans court appeal...
Scare for Obama after man leads police on high-speed chase through security checkpoint...

GOP-controlled House to open Congress with reading of Constitution...
City of Houston shuts down two radioactive water wells...

Pope urges peace in Middle East, admonishes China...
Pope talks of God's 'surprises'...
Swiss men with CIA links face nuclear secrets trial...

U.S. Approved Billions in Business Deals With Iran...
Tax-cut deal includes breaks for buying race horses, windmills...

Thief tunnels through apartment wall...

Assange fears death in a US jail...
Hitler's Christmas party: Rare photos capture leading Nazis celebrating...
BYPASS CONGRESS: EPA moves unilaterally to limit greenhouse gases...
City shuts down till January 3 to save money...

Duma Disses Obama, delays START vote...

Khodorkovsky says Putin is 'pitiable'...

Obama Reading List: Book on Reagan...
Midwest Snow Disrupting Christmas Travel...

Paris Charles de Gaulle Cuts Flights 50% on Antifreeze Shortage...

Partly evacuated over roof fears...
OPEC Members 'Target $100'...
China bars political dissident access to lawyers...

Indefinite detention possible for suspects at Guantanamo Bay...

UPDATE: Santa didn't rob bar; bartender charged...

51-year-old recipient of 16-year-old's heart...

Person leaves nugget of gold in SALVATION ARMY kettle...

Mother Gives Daughter One Of Her Kidneys...

Anonymous retiree hands out $20,000 to homeless on Skid Row...
Online Holiday Sales Climb 15%...

Friday, December 24, 2010

Fla. shock jock Neil Rogers dies at age 68 http://bit.ly/ighwvh

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TSA issues Thermos alert...

U.S. Approved Billions in Business Deals With Iran...

City shuts down till January 3 to save money...
 Breaking News 

Paris's Charles de Gaulle airport, Europe's 2nd busiest, cuts flights because of antifreeze shortage - Bloomberg 

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Nasa Spinoffs

NASA: Check out how technologies developed by NASA enhance your daily life here on Earth -- NASA Spinoff 2010 is out -- http://bit.ly/hHKGTz
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Big Brother

Feds move to gain direct access to health data... http://plu.gd/dsO

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North Korea

NKorea makes nuclear threat in standoff with South... http://plu.gd/dta

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Wednesday, December 22, 2010


France's parliament passes broad anti-piracy law giving it the right to try pirates in French courts - AFP http://f24.my/fccDhl

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CBS Airs Hoax Cover of Bush Memoir... http://plu.gd/dsD

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Former Madoff secretary surrenders after judge revokes bail

Pioneering auto dealer Gary Fronrath dies at 66

Fred Foy dies

Fred Foy, 'Lone Ranger' announcer, dies at age 89 - Entertainment Weekly http://bit.ly/hzsJBg

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Nuclear weapons treaty

Senate ratifies new U.S.-Russia nuclear weapons treaty... http://plu.gd/dsB

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Nasa funding

Hundreds of millions in extra NASA funding omitted from federal spending bill http://sbne.ws/r/6mMf

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Asteroid hunting

Support builds for asteroid-hunting spacecraft http://sbne.ws/r/6mMe

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China bars English words in all publications... http://plu.gd/dsx

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Breaking News: FDA approves Gardasil

Breaking News: FDA approves the vaccine Gardasil for prevention of anal cancer http://bit.ly/i9pKyu
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Norwegian newspaper claims to have all 251,287 leaked cables... http://plu.gd/dsv

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NASA: Spectacular slo-mo views of Shuttle Launches

NASA: Spectacular slo-mo views of shuttle launches on "Best of the Best" @ NASA TV's You Tube channel! http://go.nasa.gov/hQr5bs
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Benefits Of Space Technology In Our Daily Lives

NASA: [News] NASA Spinoff 2010 Reveals Benefits Of Space Technology In Our Daily Lives: The 2010 edition of NASA'... http://go.nasa.gov/esqYXL
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Breast feeding Policy

Obama orders breastfeeding policy for federal workplace... http://plu.gd/dsp

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China moves in to 'rescue' EU... http://plu.gd/dr1

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Internet Takeover

DeMint vows to reverse 'Internet takeover'... http://plu.gd/dr5

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Cops: Mother abandons disabled son at SEAWORLD... http://plu.gd/drX

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Airport shut down by stuffed chicken... http://plu.gd/drJ

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Congress Makes Most Laws Since 1960s... http://plu.gd/9Yr

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Fast growth in states with no income tax... http://plu.gd/drv

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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Breaking News: N.C. police: Woman with a gun inside WSOC-TV building in Charlotte -WCNC http://bit.ly/eX8pnF
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British Flu

British flu outbreak leaves 302 people in intensive care - Sky News http://bit.ly/feDgoa

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Deutsche Bank agrees to pay $553 million to resolve federal tax shelter fraud investigation http://bit.ly/fm4uzs

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FCC Gives Government Power to Regulate Web Traffic... http://plu.gd/dqN

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Obama's mystery proposal to regulate the Internet... http://plu.gd/dqJ

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Japan Earthquake

Breaking News: 7.4 magnitude earthquake strikes Japan's Bonin Islands http://bit.ly/gqMx66
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TSA spent $30M on 'air puffers,' then abandoned them... http://plu.gd/dqn

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New atlas of images of Saturn's 2nd largest moon Rhea released today reveals history of tectonic rumbling. http://go.usa.gov/riu

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U.S. Population

Census Bureau report: U.S. population is 308.7 million, lowest growth since Great Depression of the 1930s

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Indonesia Earthquake

BreakingNews: Earthquake with preliminary magnitude of 6.2 reported in Indonesia - USGS http://bit.ly/gowrNL
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Birth rate among U.S. teens in 2009 falls to lowest level ever recorded in 70 years of government data, officials say http://wapo.st/i3nVnh

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Life Ingredients Found in Superhot Meteorites... http://plu.gd/dpT

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Lunar Eclipse

Hundreds of gorgeous pictures in the lunar #eclipse Flickr group at http://www.flickr.com/groups/imthere/

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Cerberus to sell Chrysler Financial to TD Bank Group for $6.3 billion - AP

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An explosive device has been found in a subway car in Rome, Italian news agencies report; area cleared while device is being examined - AP

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Hungary passes law boosting govt control over media... http://plu.gd/dpB

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'Mini ice age coming'... http://plu.gd/dpF

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Prisons get education funds; Corrections biggest recipient of federal stimulus... http://plu.gd/dpH

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NASA: LIVE NOW: We're staying 'Up All Night' chatting w/ astronomers for the Lunar Eclipse tonight at Midnight ET http://go.nasa.gov/dY0d86
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