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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Can of Hairspray Styles Bomb Scare at Miami Airport

Hairspray, not a bomb, explodes on a plane at Miami International Airport

Updated 2:42 PM EST, Tue, Dec 28, 2010
Getty Images
Hair spray has just been added to the "No Fly" list at Miami International Airport.
An aerosol can is believed to have caused a piece of luggage being loaded to a plane to explode Tuesday, causing a mass panic for airport and fire rescue officials.
The Miami-Dade bomb squad was called to the airport around 11:30 a.m. after a baggage handler said he was taking liggage to an American Airlines plane that had just arrived from Boston and a bag exploded, sending pieces of metal flying.
One of the splinters got lodged in his shoe.
Miami-Dade Bomb Squad surrounds a volatile can of...
This poor guy is missing a shoe after the...
The worker was not seriously injured, but the words "explosion" and "airplane" can't be used in the same sentence without the terror alert going up a few notches. Officials took the man's shoe and called in the dogs.
After clearing the tarmac, investigators determined there was no bomb on board, but instead one of the passengers would have to endure a bad hair day.
It should be noted, that hair spray and other aerosol cans are not allowed in carry on luggage, which forces passengers to stuff the combustible hygiene products in tightly packed luggage.
The 148 passengers from Flight 2585 had already departed the plane before the aerosol can exploded.
The TSA is still investigating. No one has been questioned or arrested from the flight.

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