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Thursday, October 18, 2012

World's oldest new dad is 96

World's oldest new dad is 96
Indian man met his 52-year-old wife 10 years ago
Published On: Oct 18 2012 10:11:05 AM EDT Updated On: Oct 18 2012 10:18:57 AM EDT

He could be a great-great-grandfather. But at 96, an Indian man is the world's oldest new dad.

Ramjeet Raghav and his 52-year-old wife, Shakuntala Devi, gave birth to their second son on Oct. 5, according to the Times of India.

He met Devi 10 years ago after practicing a life of celibacy.

"My neighbors are jealous and they keep asking me for my secret, but all I tell them is that it is God's will," Raghav is quoted as saying, according to ninemsn. "I think it's very important for a husband and a wife to have sex regularly and when she asks I will go on all night, but for the sake of my child I've put our needs aside for now."

A field hand and former wrestler, he first broke the "World's Oldest New Dad" record when his first son was born in November 2010.

He lives on a diet of milk, butter and almonds, according to The Sun.

Although Raghav believes he's "very capable" of having more babies, he says he's done for financial reasons.

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