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Friday, August 23, 2013

6 Reasons People Stay In Debt

6 Reasons People Stay In Debt
Originally here: http://www.daveramsey.com/blog/6-reasons-people-stay-in-debt

Do you remember the moment you decided to get out of debt?

You were sick and tired of being sick and tired. You might have even gotten angry at being in debt. Eventually, the burden and the stress of the constant bills and piling debt broke you down. Something inside you “clicked,” and you decided it was time to make a fresh start.

But what keeps people from getting out of debt? Why would someone want to stay in chains instead of living in freedom? Sadly, there are all sorts of reasons people choose MasterCard over being free from debt.

Here are just a few:
1. They want to keep up appearances.
This is the dreaded “keeping up with the Joneses” mentality. But little do you know, the Joneses have a leased BMW, an underwater mortgage, and an unwelcome visitor named Sallie Mae living in their basement. The Joneses are the most broke people in your neighborhood. And if you’re trying to follow their example, you’ll be following them into bankruptcy if you’re not careful.
2. They are unwilling to sacrifice.
How can you possibly give up eating out three nights a week? Or what would your life look like without cable? You’ll never know until you’re willing to give those things up in order to build a legacy for your future. If you’re in a lot of debt, something in your lifestyle has to change. It’s about priorities. Here’s the question: What are you willing to give up?

3. They fear change.
Debt can be comfortable, kind of like slowly cooking in a pot of boiling water. If you’ve always used a credit card, and if you always had car loans, then you know what to expect. The unknown can be scary—except for the fact that millions of families have gone through Dave’s plan to get out of debt and changed their lives. We can promise that you have a lot more to fear if you stay in debt, rather than if you make this change in your life.
4. They’re addicted to stuff.
In other words, they’ve bought the myth that you are what you own, and they simply can’t get enough. The more they have, the more powerful and confident they feel. But it’s all a fraud. They can’t afford that stuff and, eventually, it’s going to weigh them down. Their addiction to debt will, at some point, cause a financial heart attack.
5. They don’t know how.
Everything we do around Dave’s office revolves around helping people make a plan with their money. These people have good intentions—they want to kick debt to the curb—but they don’t know how. They’ve been in debt so long that getting out under a pile of $50,000 in credit card bills seems impossible. But it isn’t. People call The Dave Ramsey Show every day to tell us about their debt-free stories. Getting out of debt isn’t easy. It takes a lot of hard work and discipline. But it’s definitely not impossible. All you need is a plan.
6. They’re lazy.

These people know what to do. Maybe they know about the debt snowball and they sorta, kinda want to get out of debt. They know how debt can affect their marriage, their stress levels, their relationships, and their future, but they just aren’t motivated to make a change. How sad is that? You know that you’re ruining your future—and if you have kids, you’re putting them behind the eight ball when they go out on their own—but you still go into debt anyway? If you know how to get out of debt, but you’re just too lazy to do it? Well, that’s just embarrassing.

Every day, people are making the decision to get out of debt and change their lives. They’re ready to sacrifice and get rid of their fear of change or their addiction to stuff.

If you’ve yet to make that decision, what’s holding you back? And if you’re already debt-free or moving in that direction, what caused you to make a change in your life?


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Left out unemployed, underemployed, ill, family member ill, just to name a few. Certainly true of some people but posting this list as if it is conclusive is arrogance.


Relax, he has to address this debt plague in generalities. The man does not have the time or the resources to address every single scenario. There are always some life factors that fall into the category of "exception". And with that being said, there are STILL things you can do even in those exceptional situations that can alleviate your burden.

Nubby Mcquilicutty

Not arrogant, that is why it is last and not first. Some people are simply lazy. We should call them so those who are underemployed, ill, etc. dont get a bad rap.



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36 minutes ago

Left out unemployed, underemployed, ill, family member ill, just to name a few. Certainly true of some people but posting this list as if it is conclusive is arrogance.

6 2


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Happy angry
21 minutes ago

Relax, he has to address this debt plague in generalities. The man does not have the time or the resources to address every single scenario. There are always some life factors that fall into the category of "exception". And with that being said, there are STILL things you can do even in those exceptional situations that can alleviate your burden.



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Nubby Mcquilicutty angry
10 minutes ago

Not arrogant, that is why it is last and not first. Some people are simply lazy. We should call them so those who are underemployed, ill, etc. dont get a bad rap.



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