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Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Hackers transform a smartphone gyroscope into an always-on microphone

Hackers transform a smartphone gyroscope into an always-on microphone

by Steve Dent | @stevetdent | 12 days ago

Apps that use your smartphone's microphone need to ask permission, but the motion sensors? No say-so needed. That might not sound like a big deal, but security researchers from Stanford University and defense firm Rafael have discovered a way to turn Android phone gyroscopes into crude microphones. They call their app "Gyrophone" and here's how it works: the tiny gyros in your phone that measure orientation do so using vibrating pressure plates. As it turns out, they can also pick up air vibrations from sounds, and many Android devices can do it in the 80 to 250 hertz range -- exactly the frequency of a human voice.

By contrast, the iPhone's sensor only uses frequencies below 100Hz, and is therefore useless for tapping conversations. Though the researchers' system can only pick up the odd word or the speaker's gender, they said that voice recognition experts could no doubt make it work better. They'll be delivering a paper next week at the Usenix Security conference, but luckily, Google is already up on the research. "This early, academic work should allow us to provide defenses before there is any likelihood of real exploitation."

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

How to Import MBOX to Outlook 2007

Microsoft Outlook
How to Import MBOX to Outlook 2007

How to Import MBOX to Outlook 2007
By Greg Lindberg, eHow Contributor

How to Import MBOX to Outlook 2007

If you have Internet mail files that include the mbox file extension, then you can import the file into your Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 application to manage the content of the file in the Outlook 2007 program. Once the process is complete, you can view the mbox file in your Inbox folder.Have a question? Get an answer from online tech support now!


1) Open the Microsoft Outlook 2007 application on yourcomputer. Click on the “Microsoft Office” button from the top toolbar menu.
2) Click on the “Import and Export” option and then the Import and Export Wizard dialog box will pop up on your screen.

3) Click on the “Import Internet Mail and Addresses” option and then click on the “Next” button.
4) Click on the “Outlook Express” option from the list of applications and then click on the check box next to the “Import Mail” field.
5) Click on the “Finish” button and the mbox file will be imported into your Outlook 2007 application.

eHow Now

Read more : http://www.ehow.com/how_6938223_import-mbox-outlook-2007.html

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Lunar Solar Power Generation -LUNA RING-

Lunar Solar Power Generation -LUNA RING-

The Energy Paradigm Shift Opens the Door to a Sustainable Society

A shift from economical use of limited resources to the unlimited use of clean energy is the ultimate dream of all mankind.
The LUNA RING, our lunar solar power generation concept, translates this dream into reality through ingenious ideas coupled with advanced space technologies.
Virtually inexhaustible, nonpolluting solar energy is the ultimate source of green energy that brings prosperity to nature as well as our lives.
Shimizu Corporation proposes The LUNA RING for the infinite coexistence of mankind and the Earth.

How Lunar Solar Energy Reaches the Earth

Transmitting Energy from the Moon to the Earth

The Solar Belt Made from Lunar Resources -Constructing a lunar solar power plant-

Exploiting Lunar Resources

Lunar resources will be used to the fullest extent possible in constructing the Solar Belt.
Water can be produced by reducing lunar soil with hydrogen that is imported from the Earth. Cementing material can also be extracted from lunar resources. These materials will be mixed with lunar soil and gravel to make concrete. Bricks, glass fibers and other structural materials can also be produced by solar-heat treatments.

Robotic Construction

Robots will play a vital role in construction on the lunar surface. They will be tele-operated 24 hours a day from the Earth.

Construction and resource extraction
Robots will perform various tasks on the lunar surface, including ground leveling and excavation of hard bottom strata.

Assembling units in space
Machines and equipment from the Earth will be assembled in space and landed on the lunar surface for installation.
Source: NASA

Work on the lunar surface
A team of astronauts will support robotic surface operation on site.
Source: NASA

The Solar Belt along the Lunar Equator

The Solar Belt Configuration1. Lunar solar cellsTo ensure continuous generation of power, an array of solar cells will extend like a belt along the entire 11,000km lunar equator. This belt will grow in width from a few kilometers to 400km.2. Electric power cablesThe cables will transfer the electric power from the lunar solar cells to the transmission facilities.3. Microwave power transmission antennasThe 20km-diameter antennas will transmit power to the receiving rectennas. A guidance beacon (radio beacon) brought from the Earth will be used to ensure accurate transmission.4. Laser power transmission facilitiesHigh-energy-density laser will be beamed to the receiving facilities. A guidance beacon (radio beacon) brought from the Earth will be used to ensure accurate transmission.5. Transportation route along the lunar equatorMaterials needed for the construction and maintenance of the Solar Belt will be transported along this route. Electric power cables will be installed under the transportation route.6. Solar cell production plantsThe plants will move automatically while producing solar cells from lunar resources and installing them.

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IBM develops a computer chip with one million 'neurons' that 'functions like a human brain'

IBM develops a computer chip with one million 'neurons' that 'functions like a human brain'

TrueNorth is being hailed as the world’s first neurosynaptic computer chip because it can figure things out on its own.

Modern processors have 1.4 bn transistors and consume up to 140 watts but the IBM chip contains 5.4 bn transistors and uses just 70 milliwatts
Richard Doherty, the research director of tech research firm Envisioneering Group, hailed IBM's chip as a ‘really big deal’


PUBLISHED: 10:40 EST, 8 August 2014 | UPDATED: 13:43 EST, 8 August 2014

IBM has developed a computer chip which it says will function like a human brain in a giant step forward for artificial intelligence.

TrueNorth is being hailed as the world’s first neurosynaptic computer chip because it can figure things out on its own.

The chip also has one million ‘neurons’ and could cram the same power as a super computer into a circuit the size of a postage stamp.

IBM's TrueNorth processor could enable a wide variety of applications based on the human brain's computing power. For instance, it could help assist vision-impaired people to navigate through an environment

Experts said that it was as big an advance as the advent of supercomputers in the 1980.

Horst Simon, deputy director of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, told the New York Times: ‘It is a remarkable achievement in terms of scalability and low power consumption’.

Modern processors have some 1.4 billion transistors and consume up to 140 watts but the IBM chip contains 5.4 billion transistors and uses just 70 milliwatts of power, meaning it is incredibly efficient.

TrueNorth will use closely interconnected ‘neurons’ just like the brain does meaning that it can work proactively to a level not seen before.

In addition to the one million ‘neurons’ it has 256 million programmable synapses, the most IBM has ever put in a chip.

The chip has one million ‘neurons’ and could cram the same power as a super computer into a circuit the size of a postage stamp. It also has 256 million programmable synapses, the most IBM has ever put in a chip

The human brain has 100 billion neurons and up to 150 trillion synapses but IBM principal investigator and senior manager Dharmendra Modha told CNET.com that it could still perform a wide variety of tasks.


TrueNorth is the world’s first neurosynaptic computer chip because it can figure things out on its own.

It has one million ‘neurons’ and could cram the same power as a super computer into a circuit the size of a postage stamp.

TrueNorth will use closely interconnected ‘neurons’ just like the brain does meaning that it can work proactively to a level not seen before.

In addition to the one million ‘neurons’ it has 256 million programmable synapses, the most IBM has ever put in a chip.

He said that TrueNorth could be used to monitor oil spills or issue tsunami alerts on its own without the need for a human to keep track of things.

Richard Doherty, the research director of tech research firm Envisioneering Group, said that IBM's chip was a ‘really big deal’.

He said that if a robot today was walking towards a pillar then it needed a huge amount of computing to stop it heading into it.

But a robot using TrueNorth would be able to sense it and change direction just as a human can.

Computers are now approaching the stage where they are considered ‘smarter’ than humans in many ways.

Earlier this year a computer programme passed the Turing Test for the first time, which is seen as a milestone in artificial technology.

The programme, which mimicked a 13-year-old boy, was mistaken for a human more than 40 per cent of the time during a series of five-minute keyboard conversations with a real person.

Films like The Terminator have played on our fears about such technology - in the classic sci-fi thriller a computer system becomes self aware and launches nuclear strikes in an attempt to wipe out humanity, leading to a war between man and machines.

Ironically IBM’s cognitive computing programme is called SyNapse, which is similar to Skynet, the computer system in The Terminator.

IBM’s cognitive programme is called SyNapse, which is similar to Skynet, the computer in The Terminator

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2720004/IBM-develops-computer-chip-one-million-neurons-functions-like-human-brain.html#ixzz39xkjL1W4
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